Helen tells Erik that she trusts him and their friendship, but he’s in the friend zone.

Jackson is clearly a jerk and Cece notices it right away. Ty tries to cover it up, but Cece is not going to let him get away with it.

Noreen approaches Maddie and apologizes for what happened between them. It’s a nice moment, and one that comes off the back of her speaking to Kyle about their family woes.

The Mayor of the city is being challenged by a group of his own citizens who are thinking of staging a coup to get him out of office. They’re thinking of something akin to a snap election in order to get him out.

The real drama at the church stems from a child desperate for Dino Nuggets. Although Dana initially is annoyed with Ronnie’s rude attitude, Ronnie actually talks her around and points out that he could have issues with his family and this could be the only name brand food he gets. ..

Dana has decided to package a whole bunch of food for her son to take home, and even gives him a gift certificate for her shop too so his family can come and eat. It’s a really nice moment, and the kid throws his arms around Dana and tells her he loves her.

In this episode, Cal serves as the father figure for Kyle. He talks to him plainly about how hard life is and encourages Kyle not to take the easy road. This works wonders and Kyle doubles-down on his road to recovery. ..

That night, Maddie talks to Cal and let him know what happened with Noreen. She and Bill ruined her life and she’s struggling to move past that. Cal encourages Maddie to confront her own feelings. He loves her goodness and urges her to project some of that out.

That night, all the town gather to celebrate Howie’s birthday. There’s a whole bunch of karaoke songs, with some telling lyrics between Erik and Helen too. The others pick up on the vibes and speak to Helen in confidence about the heat brewing between them. For Helen though, she smiles politely and claims it’s just friendship.

Helen has a change of heart and decides to give a relationship with Erik a go after all. She also decides to do IVF and try for another baby. However, Erik has something to tell her that we don’t find out. As we skip across to Noreen, she’s just gone into labour. ..

The Episode Review

The show has been taking its sweet time to heat up, but things are starting to heat up between Helen and Erik. There have been a lot of back and forth friendships and romances, but it looks like we’re finally on track with the Helen and Erik romance. This will be a big story, saving it from the throngs of the friendzone that loomed early on.

While Dana learns to not judge a book by its cover, Cal serves as a father figure for both Kyle and Ty. There is some nice drama in here, but it also feels a little disparate. Still, it’s not all bad news and the ending definitely hints that we have more drama still to come!