I’m in New York City for the first time and it’s amazing! The sights, sounds, and smells are all so different from anywhere else I’ve been. I can’t wait to explore more. ..

In the third episode of The Kardashians Season 1, Kim is working on the show and Khloe and Kris help her with the skit. Kris talks to Kim about Travis proposing to Kourtney and asks how Kim kept a secret despite knowing about it before. Kris mentions how Travis went to Rob’s (Kourtney’s father) grave and asked for her hand in marriage before showing up at Kris’ house.

At the pre-show party, Kim is missing and the group is worried. Scott is at the party and shares how he did not do a skit with Kim because Kourtney decided not to do one with him.

Khloe makes a toast to an absentee Kim while Kim was busy filming for the show till 3 am that night. The next morning Kris is dragging Khloe to her old apartment where used to live as a teenager. Khloe is tired of Kris’ constant need to live in the past instead of enjoying the present. Kim’s secretary says that Kim asked Kris and Khloe to come to her room which has the mother worried.

Kanye is in the room and claims that he went to LA from New York to get something for Kim. Kim breaks into tears as she tells her mother, sister and family that Kanye flew in the night before to bring her the tapes that he took from Ray J. Kanye allegedly made a deal with Kim’s ex and took back whatever was left of the sex tape that Ray was blackmailing her with.

Kim Kardashian thanks Kanye West for shielding and protecting her and their kids from the sexual footage on the tapes. The family gathers in a circle for prayers and Kim leaves for her SNL appearance. Kris takes Khloe along to the apartment tour and they are being mobbed by the paparazzi.

Khloe Kardashian’s 45th birthday was a day she never wanted to forget. She remembered how her life changed after moving to New York City from Illinois when she was just a teenager. Now, 45 years later, the city feels a lot different to her. The couple ended up getting lost but Kris somehow found the apartment she used to live in. An hour before the show, Kim was running her lines down with the producers and her team.

“I’m sorry that I called Corey a gold digger,” Kim says. “But I know that my family will forgive me.” Corey tells her he doesn’t mind the comment, and they all have a good time in the skits.

After the show, Kim greets her SNL team and family with a big smile. She’s having a great time socialising with everyone and seems to be enjoying herself immensely. Comedian Chris Rock and Amy Schumer take the time to compliment Kim on hosting an amazing show. ..

Kourtney Kardashian and her sister Khloe Kardashian discuss Kourtney’s proposal with comedian and talk show host Ellen Degeneres. Ellen mentions Scott and wonders how he must be feeling because Kourtney did not want to get married when it was him but suddenly sees herself marrying Travis.

Khloe Kardashian’s appearance at the show ends on a great note. With three days left for the day when Travis proposes to Kourtney, Kris shares that they have a minor hiccup. She tells Khloe that Kourtney will be having an egg retrieval with her OB-GYN on the same day as her and Travis’ anniversary. Khloe helps with a smart solution and suggests that they should let the proposal take place in Calabasas instead of the family going to Santa Barbara and wearing Kourtney out.

Kris called Travis and Khloe gave her suggestion to him which he seemed to be agreeing with. Kris and Corey were at the house and Travis called Kris. He let her know that the egg retrieval was postponed and stated that the proposal would be taking place in Santa Barbara on the day they planned. Travis sent his proposal message to Kris for input and Kris got emotional reading it out with Corey supporting her. ..

Corey is confused about how a simple message like this is getting Kris so emotional but he still helps her recover. Kris tells Khloe that the plan is still on for Sunday and that the proposal is still on. A pregnant Kylie and Kendall drive together to Santa Barbara with Kylie having her pregnancy cravings. The sisters get burgers from In-N-Out while Kim, Kris, and Corey drive together. ..

The Jenner sisters talk about how Travis balances Kourtney out and Kylie is thankful for Travis making her family a part of the proposal. They discuss Scott and his erratic behaviour but Kylie thinks that Kourtney deserves to live her life even if it means hurting Scott’s one-sided emotions in the process.

Kris is worried that they will run into Travis and Kourtney on the freeway, but as it turns out, Kylie’s car is closer to that of the couple. They are worried about running into Kourtney before the proposal and ruining the plan altogether. ..

This episode felt a little better from the last and Travis Barker’s cuteness is to thank for it all. Knowing what we know now, watching Kanye bring the tapes to Kim seems so unserious because Ray J confirmed that there was nothing in the hard drive. It is just funny how the family is trying to manipulate the narrative showing Kim as the victim all these years after everyone involved made money out of the sex tape.

It is understandable that Kim wants to protect her children from seeing her in one of the worst positions they can see her in. I completely sympathize with her. However, with that being said, the family needs to realize that fans are only flocking to them for reality and if they do not deliver the reality, will fans continue to watch the show?

Kylie Jenner is a really funny person and I hope she appears more on this show. Kim making it to SNL was great for her and I’d love to see more of her parodying with her family. Khloe Kardashian is the most changed over the years and I miss her “I don’t give a damn” attitude. ..