Episode 2 of The Golden Spoon begins with Seung-cheon finally breaking free from the lake. After making it to the shore, he rushes to find the Golden Spoon from the trashcan where he threw it. Determined to change his life, he goes to Tae-yong’s house for his final meal that can change his life. ..

Tae-yong is in the car with Mun-ki when he feels guilty for pushing Seung-cheon into the lake. He asks Mun-ki to stop the car and runs back to the lake. Meanwhile, Seung-cheon has the meal seated in front of Hyeon-do and wonders if the spoon did the trick for him. ..

After he finishes eating, the tests show that Hyeon-do is “magic” by calling him “appa.” However, the businessman appears confused. Just then Tae-yong is hit by an accident. Ju-hee is at Tae-yong’s house and addresses herself as his fiancee. ..

Ju-hee slaps Seung-cheon for attacking ‘Seung-cheon’. She addresses him as Tae-yong and so does Hwang Hyeon-do. The cops are at the house to arrest Tae-yong for throwing Seung-cheon into the lake.

The police station is in an uproar over the video of Seung-cheon letting his hand go in the water. His family is worried sick at the police station.

Seung-cheon wakes up in the hospital to find out that Tae-yong is now his brother. Seung-cheon arrives at the hospital to meet Tae-yong, but is kicked out by Tae-yong’s family who recognize him as Tae-yong now. ..

In a deal that would keep Tae-yong from facing school violence charges, Seung-cheon drops his own case against the boy in exchange for Hyeon-de’s silence about the fight. Mun-ki is ordered to erase any traces of the fight from his computer and to find out who called the police on Tae-yong. Tae-yong is now back at his house, taking in all of the mansion’s secrets.

He was having trouble finding his own room and mistakenly entered Young-sin’s room. She asked if something was wrong with him because his behaviour was odd. Tae-yong left the room and somehow made it to his own room with Mun-ki’s help. He asked Mun-ki to help him with a list of names of all employees and people related to the Hwang family. ..

Tae-yong is shocked to see the luxurious life the real Tae-yong lived in. He looks at the spoon that shows the number 29 on it. According to one of the rules the old lady mentioned, one rule stated that Seung-cheon was allowed three chances to change his life back – first after one month, then in one year and finally after ten years.

Tae-yong is at school the next day and he enjoys the attention the new life brings to him. He is upset that Ju-hee ignores him while Jang-un states that she is the daughter of a broadcasting company CEO. The homeroom teacher invites Tae-yong for a visit to the principal’s office where they praise him for no reason. Tae-yong goes to see the principal and he is happy to be praised by her. She tells him that he has been chosen to be on a special project with Jang-un, which makes Tae-yong happy. ..

Tae-yong takes the blame for everything on himself and states that Seung-cheon was always innocent. He also asks them to look into the cheating incident from the midterms. Jang-un finds new targets in Seung-cheon’s friends and blames them for complaining about the midterms cheating.

Tae-yong, the underdog, beats up Jang-un, the popular guy, for beating up two poor boys. He runs into Ju-hee, the girl who he had a crush on in middle school, on the rooftop and she asks to chat. Tae-yong is surprised that she lied and worked as a part-timer when she was so rich in middle school. ..

He warns her to stay away from Seung-cheon, saying that she doesn’t even know who he is. Ju-hee defends him, warning Tae-yong not to cause trouble for him. He’s touched by Ju-hee defending his past self. After she leaves, Tae-yong runs into Yeo-jin, who claims that Ju-hee is only doing so to cover up her guilt as a young poor girl who died because of Ju-hee. ..

Yeon-jin continues to chat with Tae-yong based on their past interaction, and wonders what relationship the real Tae-yong had with Yeo-jin. Just as he is about to leave, Yeo-jin suddenly grabs Tae-yong and kisses him leaving him shocked. ..

At home, Seung-cheon’s parents tend to him as he wakes up in shock. Tae-yong is a minute late to dinner and faces Hyeon-do’s glaring. Tae-yong has memorised the daily schedule of Hyeon-do and is doing his best to impress the rich businessman.

Hyeon-do plans to work on his redevelopment project when his secretary alerts him about Tae-yong’s spending over the last few days. Tae-yong has been shopping for gifts for Seung-cheon’s family. Seung-cheon is having a gala time reading comics and eating the delicious food prepared by his mother.

He claims that the food is not enough for all four of them and Seung-a hits him on the head with a spoon for not respecting their parents. Seung-cheon loves the food and appreciates his mother. Tae-yong’s gifts are delivered to Seung-cheon’s family while Tae-yong has a meal with Hyeon-do as per their custom. ..

During the meal, Hyeon-do asks Tae-yong about his spending and the latter claims that he can do as he likes with his own money. Ju-hee and her father join the father-son duo and Ju-hee claims that she wants to send her engagement to Tae-yong.

Ju-hee is surprised by Tae-yong’s sudden kindness. He helps out by rearranging the expired products on the shelf and Ju-hee is shocked by his sudden kindness.

Ju-hee is surprised when she wakes up the next morning to find that her ex-boyfriend, Tae-yong, has been staying with her. She is even more surprised when she finds out that he has been drinking heavily and puking inside the store. Tae-yong tells Ju-hee that he was just trying to make things right for her and that he loves her. Ju-hee is touched by his confession and decides to forgive him.

Ju-hee and Tae-yong share an awkward romantic moment before going their separate ways. When she goes back home, one of her older brothers yells at her for breaking the engagement with Tae-yong and hindering his business.

The old man walks into the house after his daughter, Ju-hee, successfully tricks her dinner guest into slapping her. Ju-hee’s father interjects and kicks the man out for trying to assault his daughter. The old man doesn’t say much to Ju-hee about what happened at dinner. ..

Meanwhile, Jang-un’s father beats him up brutally for not making it to the special class. Jang-un blames Seung-cheon and promises to teach him a lesson for the way his father assaulted him. Tae-yong is back in his room where he finds his stepmother snooping around. He asks her what she was doing there and she claims that she was only there to help him with special notes for the exam. ..

Tae-yong is sure something was up and he checks for the golden spoon. He is relieved to find it in its place but finds the real Tae-yong’s secret cabinet in the process. He finds a photo of his (the real Tae-yong’s) biological mother as well the sketches Tae-yong made of Ju-hee.

The next morning, Seung-cheon throws a fit about Seung-a wanting to keep the gifts from Tae-yong. As Seung-cheon leaves for school, his father apologises and Seung-cheon assumes it is for the money but once Seung-cheon has left, he apologises to himself for being an incompetent father. Lee Cheol notices a poster for contract employees and picks it up.

Sun-hye tells Tae-yong that she won’t give him the money because she doesn’t want to be associated with him anymore. She asks him to stop making any contact with Seung-cheon and leave him alone.

In a class, Seung-cheon talks to his classmates about how he and Ju-hee are dating. Ju-hee is surprised and starts to remember past memories with Seung-cheon. Seung-cheon asks her if she is dating him, to which she responds with a flustered ‘yes’.

Jang-un shows up and pulls Seung-cheon away while Ju-hee worries about him. Yeo-jin finds her and asks if she can hang out with Ju-hee after but the latter claims that she already has plans with a friend. Jang-un takes Seung-cheon back to his house and Seung-cheon claims he had never been there before.

Jang-un is perplexed as to why Seung-cheon, who was at the house before, is acting so arrogantly now. When Seung-cheon starts to act out, Jang-un and his friends start assaulting him. Jang-un even picks up a gun and pins Seung-cheon to the ground. ..

Seung-cheon, who was previously suffering from PTSD, goes pale when he experiences some unknown reason. Ju-hee is at her childhood friend Na-ra’s tombstone while Tae-yong is at Jin-seok’s tombstone. He tells Jin-seok that he is no longer Seung-cheon. ..

Just then, Tae-yong gets a call about Seung-cheon going missing which sends him rushing to Jang-un’s place. Jang-un continues to beat Seung-cheon up while Tae-yong suddenly shows up shocking the group of friends. Tae-yong states that he wants to join the fun so he picks up a gun and points it at Jang-un.

Jang-un wonders how Tae-yong is so familiar with the place despite it being his first visit. Jang-un claims that he was only messing around with Seung-cheon so Tae-yong takes a bullet out of his pocket and loads the gun asking him to kill Seung-cheon.

Tae-yong says that if he fails to do so, he will kill Jang-un instead. Jang-un is scared and falls to his knees begging Tae-yong to show him mercy. Tae-yong states that he won’t be showing anyone any mercy and pulls the trigger on Jang-un as the episode comes to an end with a loud gunshot. ..

This episode shows how much power money can give someone and Seung-cheon’s sudden boost of confidence is proof of this. Just as he said in the last episode, Seung-cheon now has all the power he needs to defend himself against Jang-un and I love this boost of confidence that money is giving him. ..

I wonder what Hyeon-do plans on doing with Tae-yong’s (actually Seung-cheon’s) spending nature. Ju-hee seems to be a really kind-hearted person and Yeo-jin looks like a conniving person. But given the nature of how plot twists go in K-dramas, I am sure that the makers can turn the tables on us.

There is no way Tae-yong could be having so much fun being in Seung-cheon’s shoes and I really love every time his naïve self appears on the screen. However, the show is pretty intense and there is a possibility that the fun moments will only be limited to the first few episodes. ..