Enter the F.F.

In the latest episode of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean Part II, Jolyne attempts to help F.F., but Anastasia stops her in her tracks. Kenzou celebrates his victory over F.F., but Jolyne points out that F.F. is not dead, but barely alive and needs water.

F.F. attacks Kenzou unknowingly, managing to wound his arm with her plankton bullets. Kenzou backs off to the safe zone, allowing F.F. some time to strategize. She plans to create a mirror out of the water to misdirect Kenzou, but she needs to focus on gathering water to heal herself first. ..

While F.F. is pondering, Kenzou laments about his past life. He plans to build another cult where people will worship him as their savior. He advances toward F.F., ordering Dragon’s Dream to ready itself. He jumps into the air and tries to kick her, but she manages to dodge his attack via a backflip. She runs toward a hose to collect water, but Kenzou pursues her. ..

Anastasia refuses to help F.F., because she knows that they made a deal and she wants to fight by herself. She reaches the hose and looks for the faucet, but Dragon’s Dream appears and warns her that she needs to focus on fighting Kenzou instead. Kenzou leaps at F.F., but F.F. plunges her arms into Dragon’s Dream, losing both in the process. Kenzou tries to kick F.F., but she sneaks inside the hose and opens the faucet. Unfortunately, her severed arms strike her, causing her to fly down the staircase and land on an execution chair.

Anastasia informs Jolyne that she has landed on the chair, worrying her in the process. As she lands on the chair, the hose from earlier messes with the room’s control board, starting a countdown that will enable the execution’s chair electric circuits. F.F. panics and tries to escape. However, she gets swarmed by many unlucky circumstances that prevent her from leaving the room and the chair.

F.F. removes the buckles binding her to the chair and heads for the exit. Unfortunately, Kenzou arrives, provoking F.F. to shoot at him as a form of distraction. However, the bullets only shatter Kenzou’s decorative beads as they scatter across the floor. F.F. ends up tripping on one of the beads and lands back on the chair. F.F., feeling cornered, throws a punch at Kenzou, but he deflects it easily and kicks her back on the chair as the countdown completes ..

F.F. Kenzou boasted about his victory and future plans after activating the electric chair, which started frying F.F. Dragon’s Dream told him to stop and said this went according to her plan. Essentially, F.F. collected water from Kenzou’s sweat and managed to create a mirror that showed him a fake version of Dragon’s Dream to misdirect him into an unsafe spot, which allowed F.F. to grab Kenzou, as he joins her in the electrocution ..

Anastasia tells Jolyne that they should focus on finding Dio’s bone since F.F. and Kenzou’s battle has been decided. She ignores him and leaps down the stairs. Jolyne lands near the electrocution room’s entrance and notes that Dragon’s Dream is still floating above Kenzou’s head. This indicates to her that Kenzou survived the electrocution. ..

Jolyne readies herself for battle and sends a pointy thread toward Kenzou. He avoids it and advances toward Jolyne. Jolyne finds out that there’s a small puddle of water nearby and a chunk of F.F. still remains. However, she fails to realize that a piece of her threads got caught inside Dragon’s Dream’s bubble. This makes Kenzou confident that Jolyne will die from his next attack. However, Anastasia intervenes as Kenzou plunges his feet inside her throat to drown her.

He gloats but realizes that he’s high in the air, causing him to bump his head on the top staircase. Bewildered, Kenzou orders Dragon’s Dream to find him a lucky spot, but Kenzou falls and bounces off the floor. He discovers his legs have become human springs, as he’s having trouble finding his footing. To his dismay, Jolyne ended up surviving his attack, too.

Anastasia had hidden his Stand’s ability inside Jolyne’s body, when Kenzou touched her. When F.F. managed to gain consciousness, Jolyne was bewildered by Anastasia’s dangerous methods while he finds her gaze romantic. Kenzou landed in a bucket and found himself unable to move.

Jolyne stands up but has trouble maintaining her balance. F.F. suggests that she wait for her wounds to heal, but Jolyne insists that they find the small man who was playing with Dio’s bone quickly. The episode concludes by transitioning our attention toward Jotaro, who is being taken care of by the Speedwagon Foundation’s doctors.

The Episode Review

Despite her age, F.F. proved to be a formidable opponent in her fight against Kenzou. She was able to outwit him with clever strategies and tactics, even though she is naïve about humans and romance. I enjoyed the witty banter between the two characters during the fight, even though it felt like there were a few too many coincidences involved. The comical elements made the fight feel less serious to me. ..

This episode kind of lowered my excitement for Kenzou, though. His overt cocky attitude didn’t mesh well with the wise-elder persona he exhibited in the past episode. His gloating and boasting led to his downfall, and I’m unsure if that sits right with me. Dragon’s Dream’s bias toward F.F. and friends bothered me, too. He states in episode seventeen that he’s a neutral individual. However, he sides with Kenzou’s targets moreso than Kenzou. It made F.F. and friends’ victory over them feel less deserved and too easy for my taste. ..

I found it unwise for them to keep him alive. Although I can excuse Gwess’s survival in part one, it’s odd that Jolyne and her friends didn’t decide to finish Kenzou off completely. I understand that his legs and body are no longer functional, but he’s still an enemy at the end of the day. There is always a chance that one of Enrico’s minions will stumble upon him and revitalize his legs. Therefore, it would’ve been better to have F.F. end Kenzou’s life to avoid that possibility.

This episode had a lot to offer. I wasn’t a fan of Jolyne and the crew’s decision to keep Kenzou alive, but I loved the fight with him. It was full of history, wisdom, and strategy. It allowed F.F. to prove herself as one of the show’s protagonists. I’m looking forward to seeing how Jolyne and friends will contend with Kenzou’s partner and the small man playing with Dio’s bone. I hope the brawl with those individuals has a better conclusion than this one.