Soo-jae gets lightheaded remembering the short time she got to spend with Jae-yi and presents a maternity test report to prove Jae-yi is in fact the child of Soo-jae. Tae-kook rubbishes the allegations against Joo-wan and dismisses the existence of Kang Eun-seo in the incident asking Soo-jae to look at the bright future that awaits her. Soo-jae states she is disgusted by Tae-kook and that she loathes him as she leaves his office shaken up. ..

As she leaves the law firm, Soo-jae tries to regain her composure. She knows that her daughter was involved with Jae-yi and she wants to find out what happened. She runs into Joo-wan as she is on her way out, and tries to put Tae-kook’s manipulative words out of her head. Joo-wan tries to talk to her about Jae-yi but the lawyer slaps the law firm owner’s son across his face in front of the staff asking him to shut up.

Soo-jae walks into her cabin and looks at a photo of her and Jae-yi when she last visited Joo-wan’s wife, Lim Seung-yeon. Soo-jae convinces herself to not dwell on the revelation made by Tae-kook unless she herself had confirmed it. Joo-wan questions Tae-kook, asking him why he revealed the truth about Jae-yi’s maternity to Soo-jae. The law firm owner states that Soo-jae had learned about the incident from Tae-kook himself.

Tae-kook asks his son, Joo-wan, who he believes is responsible for the girl’s abduction and subsequent death, if he knows anything about it. Joo-wan denies knowing anything about it and insists that he did not take part in the kidnapping or murder. Tae-kook is satisfied with this answer and thanks Joo-wan for his cooperation.

Yong-bae listens as Hee-young tells him about her brother Assemblyman In-soo, who was recently exposed for receiving a bribe and for fraud. Meanwhile, Hansu Bio, Chairman Han’s son, is embroiled in another controversy for filming videos of having intercourse with his girlfriends.

Joo-wan informs Seung-yeon that Soo-jae is the mother of his child, Jae-yi, and reprimands her for keeping his daughter away from him. Yoon-sang overhears the revelation and is shocked to learn that Soo-jae was involved with Joo-wan. Joo-wan explains the story behind what happened and blames it all on their father. The younger brother is angry and questions Joo-wan asking him to beg on his knees and apologize to Soo-jae.

Joo-wan and Yoon-sang’s father mention that their father is the only person who can make them beg and state that Soo-jae should put an end to his crush on Tae-kook for good. Soo-jae is sure that she had kept Tae-kook busy with her revelation while Tae-kook thinks he has shaken up Soo-jae with his.

That night, directors Tae-kook, Seung-beom, and Assemblyman In-soo gathered together for drinks. The sons of the three men showed up on Tae-kook’s command and the law firm owner asked them about the incident from that night. ..

He asks them about the other woman but Dong-o states that he was not sure who she is. Tae-kook tries to coerce them by saying that the woman had gotten away and escaped, while Si-hyuk reveals that she had gotten into an accident.

Joo-wan continues to feign ignorance about the incident and despite everyone’s coercion, he continues to deny having any knowledge about the murder.

Han Seung-beom and In-soo start beating up their respective sons in shock after the revelation but Tae-kook stops them. He uses Joo-wan’s ignorance as a lesson and claims that they were supposed to do the same thing when faced with questions about the night.

Soo-jae visits her mother and brothers’ restaurant and watches them from afar. She is worried that Soo-jae is being polite to her because she is sick. Soo-jae wishes her mother and brothers good luck as she is on her way back home. She gets a call from Seung-yeon who is shocked to learn that Soo-jae is Jae-yi’s mother. ..

On his drive back home, Tae-kook asks Ha Il-ku to look up the girl Soo-jae warned him about. As he is leaving the car, Tae-kook is very drunk and barely makes it home as he recalls Soo-jae’s words. “Soo-jae told me that she would confirm the maternity herself and only believe it if Seung-yeon agreed to give her custody.”

He gets drunk at home and notices the state of his father, Yoon-sang visits the secret room inside his father’s home office. He uploads something on Tae-kook’s laptop. The next day, Soo-jae is meeting Seung-yeon for a piece of Jae-yi’s hair for a DNA test. Seung-yeon calls Soo-jae ridiculous for doing this with the child just when Jae-yi appears. ..

Jae-yi is fidgety around the child but Seung-yeon asks Jae-yi to play with Soo-jae for a while. Jae-yi drags Soo-jae to the beach but is afraid to cross the road. Soo-jae offers to carry her across the street and the child willingly agrees. As Jae-yi collects shells at the beach, Soo-jae wonders how she is unable to recognize her own child. Seung-yeon arrives with her mother to take Jae-yi back and Jae-yi is sad to leave Soo-jae.

Soo-jae makes a promise to the child that she will have a meal with her soon. Seung-yeon offers Jae-yi’s hair and toothbrush to Soo-jae for the DNA analysis. She calls Soo-jae out by saying that Jae-yi is never this close to strangers but she seemed to have an instant connection with Soo-jae and states that the two looked very alike. ..

Mi-rim is with Han Ki-taek as he offers him a deal from Soo-jae and Ki-taek accepts her as his attorney. Meanwhile, Legal Clinic’s Kang-ja meets up with one of her former retired superiors who reveals that the police chief had asked the cops to coax Kim Dong-goo into confessing about the crime. Chan visits the witness Soo-jae had met years who tells him that the prosecutor of the case had threatened him from speaking on behalf of Dong-goo/Chan.

Chun-poong follows Han Dong-o at his gym and collects the dumbbell he just used to scan for fingerprints while Se-ryun meets Lee Si-hyuk as a fan and gets his autograph with her pen to collect his fingerprints. At TK Law Firm, Joo-wan touches an item from the public cafeteria and Mi-rim collects it for fingerprints. Soo-jae finally gets the DNA test results that reveal Jae-yi to be her daughter.

Soo-jae, a woman who is known for her aggressive behavior and strong opinions, barges into the cabin of Tae-kook with terms that she wants full custody of Jae-yi and authority over the firm. She reveals that she has information that would allow her to take control of the company and receive the 70 million dollars along with the new terms. Tae-kook asks Soo-jae if she really thinks he would accept the terms when Soo-jae reveals secret information from Han Ki-taek.

She reveals that she is aware that Park So-young was pregnant with Tae-kook’s child and that a paternity test had confirmed the same. Soo-jae states that Tae-kook had manufactured the issue between So-young and An Kang-won to help In-soo, and adds that she had evidence to prove that Tae-kook had killed So-young. She offers him two hours to sign her agreement and leaves his cabin. ..

The reporters are discussing In-soo’s declining reputation due to bribery and fraud, while Han Dong-o’s issue is in the tabloids. Soo-jae is on a call with Yoon Se-pil as his workers discover a garbage bag behind the walls in the house where the incident took place. Tae-kook is shaken by Soo-jae’s claims and he kicks Joo-wan out of his cabin. ..

Meanwhile, Soo-jae’s mother meets up with Chan to let her know that Soo-jae was acting differently. He asks her to meet him and Soo-jae shows up at his restaurant. Just as she is about to park her car, she gets a call from Joo-wan saying Jae-yi was lost. Soo-jae calls Seung-yeon to confirm the news and rushes to find her. Chan follows her car in a taxi while Seung-yeon and Joo-wan look for the child.

Soo-jae walks across the street to an elementary school and sees a little girl sitting in a corner picking flowers. The girl tells Soo-jae that she loves both her parents but still wants to live with her mother. ..

Soo-jae promises the child that she would talk to her mother about this. Seung-yeon and Joo-wan call out to Jae-yi from across the street and the child rushes to cross the street to meet her parents. Before Soo-jae can hold on to the child, she crosses the street and is hit by a truck. Soo-jae breaks down on the street as Joo-wan calls the ambulance. ..

Chan arrives at the hospital and holds onto Soo-jae while Seung-yeon clings to Jae-yi. At the hospital, the doctors state that Jae-yi was no more and Soo-jae barges into the operation theatre. She holds onto Jae-yi who is lying unconscious on the hospital bed and sobs. The hospital staff inform Tae-kook about Jae-yi’s death while Soo-jae has taken Jae-yi in her arms as she mourns the loss of her child a second time.

The Episode Review

This episode was very emotional for me. I felt like I was right there with Soo-jae as she went through her struggles. The way she handled her loss was so admirable and I loved how she came back to herself.

Tae-kook is determined to destroy Soo-jae but it seems like losing the child for a second time will take a toll on her.

It seems like Chan is learning about Soo-jae’s relationship with Jae-yi but it will be interesting to see how he handles Soo-jae who has lost everything that she has. I wonder why Joo-wan thought that calling Soo-jae to help with finding Jae-yi would help. The two parents who had been taking care of the young girl were more than capable of finding her.

As Tae-kook is busy trying to figure out who the other girl is, Soo-jae’s team at the Legal Clinic Center are working at the speed of light to bring him down. ..

With Dong-o and Si-hyuk blaming Joo-wan for the death of Na-jung, it will be interesting to see how Tae-kook defends his son when he is proven as the true murderer.