Dean and Win exchange pleasantries as they walk away blushing after thanking him for helping her. Dean is going to the Swim club when Win spots Team for the first time. Back at Win’s house, his younger brother, Wan calls him upset to complain about their older brother, Wiew.

Dean: Hey, Wan, you okay? Wan: Yeah, just a little excited. Dean: You’re not going to be able to swim with us are you? Wan: No way. I’m not good at swimming. Dean: Well then we’ll have to find someone who is. Wan: Okay.

Dean leaves Win and Pruek to go to the desk when Pruek asks Win if he ever had someone he fell in love with instantly. Win’s eyes land on Team but he immediately leaves Pruek alone to go to the desk.

The three seniors announce an orientation test for the new entrees of the Swim Team club. A, Bee and Sea joke that Team would excel on the test as he was a scholarship student. Win overhears this and tells the entire group that the test is going to be difficult for every trainee, no matter that they were a scholarship student.

The juniors leave and Team joins his friends, Pharm and Manow for lunch. He is worried about not being able to make it to the team because of Win’s threat. His friends reassure him that everything will be okay. They promise to cheer him on at his tryouts and which will be held the day after.

Win enters his apartment complex elevator and as it turns out, Team lives in the same building. They miss running into each other by a second as Team appears just as the elevator leaves. Win is on a phone call with Wan who is talking about how he feels lonely because Wiew is always on his phone, gaming.

Win knocks on Tul’s door to ask for help joining the swim tryouts. Tub reluctantly agrees, but the next day, Team is lost during class when Manow and Pharm ask him about his tryouts. ..

“Hey, where are you going?” A asks. “I don’t know, I just feel like I’m not ready,” Team responds. “We’ll be there in a second,” B says as he leaves the room. Team returns to the room and tells them that he was feeling unwell and couldn’t make it to the tryouts. The three friends were disappointed but understand that Team had to go home.

Pruek is happy to see Manow while Dean spots Pharm which takes him back to a certain memory. Team is happy to spot his two friends while Win wonders what is wrong with Dean – the President of the Swim Team.

Team finishes the race first and is selected to be on the swim team. The three friends gather together for dinner and Team is in a chirpy mood. Pharm asks Team if he was stressed before the tryouts and Team states that he usually feels a bit worried before competitions.

Manow and Pharm try to cheer Team on as they prepare for their upcoming swim club trip. Pharm talks about how the swim club will be taking in the days to come, and how Team will be away from the rest of the juniors. He is also in the baking club and asks Team to join him on his trip to shop for ingredients.

The next day, Dean and Win are at the convenience store shopping for snacks when they run into Pharm. They have a flashback from years ago with their older identities, Ein and Korn that leaves Pharm in tears. Win interrupts them and Pharm runs away.

Dean is mad at Win for interrupting them. Back at the swim club, Dean is lost as the swim club members carry the snacks inside. Team carries the bottles of water inside when he suddenly gets a call from Pharm. Worried about his friend, Team rushes out to meet Pharm without informing the group. Dean was lost in the swim club and then got a call from Pharm which made him rush out to meet him. ..

Win notices that Team is consoling Pharm, who was upset and crying after his flashback. The swim team makes it to the resort where Tul joins the three seniors. The juniors are going through several training exercises that Team has some difficulty doing. ..

After the session, the juniors have a dip in the ocean where A, Bee and Sea force Team into the water. Team ends up injuring himself in the process and suffers a small cut on his sole. Win notices this and follows Team and the trio asking A, Bee and Sea to look for first aid as he handles the situation calmly.

The team is hesitant to let Win look at his wound. Win jokes that the cut was not as deep so he will not get any leverage when it comes to the training sessions. Team states that he will be able to run around the resort in no time which upsets Win. He leaves Team to take care of the wound on his own.

Win tells Dean that he has lost something dear to him, but it was not something that suddenly came back into his life. Win tells Dean about a time when he was younger and his father died. Win’s mother did not handle the death well and she became distant from Win. One day, Win’s mother came home and found him with a young girl. His mother was so angry that she threw him out of the house. That night, Dean asks Win if he has ever lost something dear to him which was suddenly back into his life. ..

Win mentions that he never really lost anything significant to him because he never had anything of so much value in his life. Dean claims that Win does not ever let things be important to him. Win claims that things in his life are fleeting but Dean argues that he cannot keep living like this. Dean asks Win to join the juniors.

Win and his friends were at dinner when they noticed that Team was grilling meat with A, Bee, and Sea. Bee took the other three to a room where they were claiming that they had gotten their hands on the latest adult film leak. The four friends watched the NSFW movie together when Team started getting uncomfortable. Team noticed that he had an erection and asked Bee to give him the key to their room.

He rushes outside as the trio poke fun at him. Outside, Team finds a hose of running water and tries to calm himself down by washing his head. Win finds him and scolds him stating he could fall sick. Win notices the predicament Team is in and touches his neck. He tries to get close to Team who is blushing.

In a final twist, Team eventually kisses Win but the latter breaks free. Team agrees to let Win join them in their room if they can take care of his predicament on their own.

The Episode Review

This episode showed that consent is the key to a healthy relationship. It was refreshing to see a show that didn’t rely on forced love and heartache. I’m excited to see what Between Us has in store for us next.

Though the idea is that the bottom is not aware of his feelings for the top and that the top is only forcing himself onto the bottom because he is passionate about him, scenes like those often lead to uncomfortable outcomes. It’s great to see how Win asked Team multiple questions to ensure the latter was not drunk. He did kiss Team without consent first but asked him to willingly follow him to his room if he liked help.

Until We Meet Again showed WinTeam as the goofy chaotic side-couple, but I’m sure we will get to see something deeper with both characters who are just getting to know each other. Pruek and Manow are the only hetero couple we allow in the BL household, and I am here for their romance! ..

I hope that we see more wholesome romance between the couple, where the emotional moments are replaced by meaningful conversations and connection.