
Episode 8 of Servant Season 3 starts with Leanne heading to the park where all the squatters greet her with a yellow balloon. This episode is full of symbolism, with Dorothy even sporting a yellow baby carrier to go with Leanne’s yellow dress. ..

Dorothy clings to Jericho and tells Leanne that she will never touch her son again. This scares Leanne, who goes to the park to think things over. Isabelle happens to be running by and the two get talking. ..

Isabelle opens up about her experiences with Dorothy, a woman she describes as a “real b-hole” at times. The two women bond over Dorothy’s controlling nature, and agree to meet up on Wednesdays. Isabelle warmly tells Dorothy she needs a friend. ..

Dorothy is frazzled and even hitting out at Sean too, who isn’t sleeping in the same bed as her anymore. Since being with Dorothy, Sean admits to Leanne that he’s never felt more alone. He just wants to sit down with Dorothy and have a nice meal but she’s clearly unhinged and growing ever-more distant from the family.

When Isabelle heads over to have coffee and donuts with Leanne, the latter ends up spilling coffee on her shirt and she removes it. Underneath of course is the cut caused by the couple but Leanne’s scatty behaviour gives Isabelle the impression that Dorothy is the culprit. ..

That night, Leanne heads outside and speaks to the squatters, holding the dagger she was threatened with. Cutting her finger, she tells the others that she’s no longer afraid and encourages them to do the same, pricking their finger as a symbol of their newfound freedom away from the cult.

Isabelle has been investigating this case, asking whether the child Jericho is actually Dorothy’s. She’s determined to find out the truth, promising Leanne a new family. Leanne doesn’t reply though, while Dorothy speaks to her father that night, urging him to help get Leanne institutionalized.

Sean’s big night turns into a nightmare when Dorothy changes the channel to watch his cooking show as Isabelle is reporting live from the scene of an active shooter. Although she does well to report live from the scene, just as things escalate, she’s shot through the head and dies instantly. ..

Everyone is shocked when they hear the news. Except for Leanne, who is grinning from ear to ear and looking at Dorothy with a triumphant look. It seems like this was her plan all along; get rid of Isabelle so Dorothy can go back to work. ..

The Episode Review

Leanne seems to have planned this entire event, including sitting on the bench right where Isabelle would be running past. Whether this is the extent of her plan and how that seems to tie in with the potential prophetic visions (she could have drawn those images in her journal before they’ve occurred mind you!) is left up for debate.

This week’s episode of “Servant” was a bit of a slow one as the show continues to inch closer to its finale. You can tell that we’re preparing for something big at the end of this season, but right now it’s unclear just where this episode will go next. ..

The camera framing in this chapter is so good, with mirrors used as a reflection of oneself and the colour yellow symbolizing happiness and joy – two juxtaposing emotions to what’s actually going on. Visually, this episode is arguably the best of the whole season, but in terms of plot there’s not a lot of it to cling to beyond the final 6 minutes or so. ..

Servant has been less gripping than episodes past, but there is enough here to whet the appetite for the next chapter. ..