
In the beginning of episode 4 of Raised by Wolves Season 2, Marcus thanks Paul for coming to warn them. Paul’s faith is clearly wavering, and he calls out Sue for being an atheist and how she’s beyond redemption.

As he steps up though, strange particles lift from the bag and he immediately starts breaking out into hives. It turns out The Trust have actually put a bio-bomb in his mouse, which explains what’s happening.

Marcus brings Paul outside and under Sol’s light, trying to save him from the infection which continues to spread. Eventually Paul loses consciousness. Marcus realizes the real fight was actually this cowardly chemical attack, with the mouse used to try and wipe them all out.

Marcus encourages the others to keep the faith, deciding to move them all away while he stays with Paul, intending to pray to Sol for help. Campion is convinced that Mother wasn’t part of this and hurries off back to the Trust. Decima follows, with orders to bring him back. She then realizes that she’s being followed and decides to stay behind. ..

Father uses his newly acquired fuel to try and bring the android he’s been working on to life. Despite dousing the skeletal remains in fuel, it doesn’t seem to make any difference. That is, until Father leaves. In his absence, the fuel is absorbed. ..

Decima catches up to Campion by the lake. However, she is grabbed and pulled into the acidic water by a strange creature. Thankfully Campion manages to save her, bashing the creature in the head with a rock. However, Campion is soon shot at and forced to flee, straight back into camp where he tells Mother about Paul’s sickness. Unfortunately in the process of this, Decima is seen as not following direct orders and forced to pay for it. ..

The other believers hold her down as Vrille slashes at her wildly. In doing so, she takes off a layer of skin to reveal the cold, synthetic remains of the android beneath. As Decima jumps off the cliff, Vrille watches in stunned silence.

A mother shows up at a hospital to visit her son, only to be met with resistance from the hospital staff. Marcus, the patient’s friend and advocate, urges her to back off and give the boy time to heal in prayer. ..

As the two inevitably skirmish, Mother comes out victorious and realizes Marcus has her Necro-eyes in his stomach. After extracting them, she replaces her real eyes and scoops up Campion, turning back into her Necromancer form and heading to the Trust. They’re given orders to shoot to destroy but of course, with Mother’s eyes back, she’s fully weaponized.

A mother defies their threat, brushing off the soldiers and forcing them to open the doors. ..

With the collective’s algorithm fixed and allegedly no antidote for this infection, Mother regrettably shuts the great machine down, plunging the central core into darkness. The thing is, this causes absolute chaos as the Trust are fractured and unsure what to do. Mother tries to step up as leader – at least until another human leader is chosen anyway – but that too falls on deaf ears. Some of the crowd murmur discontent, refusing to follow another machine and walk away. ..

Father heads back into the shed to find the strange skeletal remains gone. He believes that Mother has taken it away, until he opens the doors and stares upon the brilliant orange light of this humanoid creature. ..

The Episode Review

It seems like Father has awoken another strange creature on this planet as the plot continues to thicken. We’ve got three different creatures here now, which complicates matters considerably. The acid water monsters, this orange glowing thing and then the serpent that’s still stuck in the cave and makes a random cameo appearance.

Marcus lost his mother’s necro-eyes and Mother regained her strength and combat skills, using them to protect her family and thwart the Trust. It’s certainly ironic that they’re called the “trust” given there’s been very little of it toward the kids. ..

The fate of Paul is still unknown at this point and with there allegedly being no antidote, I have a feeling that’s going to fall on either the serpent or the glowing-creature to come up with a solution.

The first season of “The Crown” was a mystery, and the second season is no different. However, the story feels unfocused and muddled. We hope that the story will become more clear as the season progresses.