Client Relations

Episode 6 of “Partner Track” begins with Ingrid going through the motions and feeling like her life is spiraling out of control. While out at dinner, Tyler is convinced that Marty isn’t going to do anything about Dan’s behaviour given he’s the golden boy at the firm. Ingrid is convinced that Marty is taking it seriously now…but we’ll have to wait and see on that front. ..

Ingrid’s problems with Nick continue as she believes she should come clean about the kiss while Rachel encourages her to keep her mouth shut about it. Back home, things take an even wilder turn for Ingrid when she finds a wedding ring tucked away in Nick’s drawer. Okay hold up, how long have these two been dating? A few months?

Victoria St Clair is a white woman who has been discriminated against by her boss, Parson Valentine. HR is investigating her and promises to come down hard on those who don’t abide by it. However, Marty steps up and tells everyone that they will not tolerate racism. HR is investigating everyone and promises to come down hard on those who don’t abide by it. However, Victoria St Clair shows up and starts to talk to Marty about how she’s been discriminated against and how she’s going to take legal action.

Ingrid’s friends Tyler and Rachel discuss Jeff kissing her in his room and they are convinced that he is bad news. They try to encourage her to back off, but she is not going to.

Rachel is offered a big opportunity on her birthday to be a writer which she seriously considers going for. For now, she lets HR know that she and Justin screwed around on the work retreat.

Ingrid is placed on a new case – helping Victoria St Clair settle her divorce settlement with her husband, Alistair. At least while they wait for the Sun Corp situation to simmer down anyway.

Victoria is adamant that she wants everything and to leave her husband with nothing. Ingrid comes up with the idea of spinning Wellspire off in the divorce, leaving Alistair to take on all the liabilities and leaving Victoria in the clear.

The investigation into Dan’s routine goes ahead, with mixed reactions from a variety of different people. As for Dan himself, he actually hands over a full transcript of his routine so they can look over his “educational and funny” routine. Although he’s not going to be fired, as a consequence it would appear that Dan is no longer going to be eligible to be made partner… at last that’s what it looks like on the surface. ..

In reality, Dan is getting a formal reprimand and a round of executive coaching. As far as Marty is concerned, that’s enough. The trouble is, they can’t just fire Dan. He’s got a lot of money coming into the firm through his contacts and as Marty himself says to Ingrid “Dan is good for the bottom line.” Marty points out that there are hard lines to walk as partner, with Marty challenging Ingrid by having her deliver the bad news to Tyler. ..

Tyler is unhappy with his job and decides to quit. Ingrid encourages him to sign an NDA agreement in exchange for $500,000 in severance. Her friend is disgusted and eventually leaves. ..

Rachel is unhappy with her life and tells her friend Ingrid that she wants to end their friendship because she doesn’t think it’s going anywhere. This leaves Ingrid feeling conflicted about what to do next. ..

Tyler’s livestream has caused a stir at the company, with Marty and Ingrid watching it together. As a result, Marty puts Ingrid in charge of the upcoming diversity gala the company are running. Marty indirectly tells her it’s a good idea as it’ll fast-track her way to being partner, but she’s obviously conflicted.

Rachel decides to accept the writer’s role and Tyler has clearly had enough of working for Parson Valentine’s while Ingrid finds herself thrown into a whirlwind situation. That night, Nick takes Ingrid outside and proposes to her. Oh dear!

The Episode Review

So far, the show’s focus on romance and law drama has overshadowed its predecessor’s focus on law. ..

This chapter sees the racist undercurrent come to a head, with Ingrid caught in the middle of this entire conflicting situation. It’s clear that the company are using her as a scapegoat, but we’ll have to wait and see how this one develops moving forward. ..

Rachel is on the verge of leaving the firm, while Tyler has now seemingly gone too. It’ll be interesting to see where the show goes with this angle next and whether the trio open their own law firm in the future.

The partner track in the business world is a topic that many people have probably experienced. This season, the drama looks to reach a fever pitch.