
Yasper is spooked after seeing a cardboard cutout of a large creature in the forest. He convincing Danner to follow him, it turns out the cutout is just a dummy. False alarm, guys!

Danner interviews Chelsea for her side of the story. The thing is, Aniq happens to be hiding out in the room and hears everything. Chelsea’s story shifts across to a psychological thriller with emphasis on the paranoia consuming her prior to attending the reunion.

Xavier’s motive for attending the party is revenge. He has a serious grudge with Xavier, and he’s also there to find out who’s sending him threatening messages. However, he’s convinced that whoever that person is, they’re at the party.

Chelsea was having an affair with Brett, which led to a lot of people not liking her at the reunion.

It does appear that the constant threatening messages she receives is linked to this affair. After intentionally spilling her drink on Aniq, Chelsea approaches Zoe and asks if she’s the one sending the messages. She claims she’s not, but that also leads her to bumping into Brett and telling him she’s going to settle her score with Xavier. But why? What has Xavier done?

Chelsea’s revelation that she has tranquilizers in her bag leads to Aniq passing out at the party. This explains why he passed out.

Chelsea realizes that the person who left the afterparty photo with her is her ex-boyfriend, Aniq. Chelsea was the one who left the message on Aniq’s hand telling him “I’m sorry.” Chelsea is also responsible for mixing up the tranquilizer mix-up that caused his overdose.

Xavier and Chelsea’s encounter on the night of November 10th was not what either of them had expected. Xavier had been caught in possession of a controlled substance, and as a result, he was taken into custody. Chelsea, on the other hand, had been caught with drugs. As a result, she was also taken into custody. Their encounter began with Xavier trying to get her to take him to the police station so that he could be arrested and charged with drug possession. However, Chelsea refused to go along with this plan and instead wanted to have sex with Xavier. Xavier then became angry and tried to push Chelsea away. This caused her to hit him in the face with a rock, which then led to their fight. In the end, Xavier was able to gain control of Chelsea and took her back to his house where he proceeded to have sex with her.

Chelsea and Xavier left Chelsea’s St Patrick’s Day party early and went downstairs to speak with Zoe in private. When they got back up to the balcony, Chelsea told Xavier that she was sorry for what happened between them and admitted she regretted everything. They also shared a funny joke about Brett’s terrible lovemaking.

Danner is not convinced by Chelsea’s story. Something doesn’t add up. Why did Chelsea have a change of heart? She deliberates over Aniq’s choice of words when he woke up too, specifically regarding Xavier doing this to him “again.”

As Danner decides to bring Aniq in to get to the bottom of this, Culp sets to work trying to find the guy. Only, he’s obviously not in the party. Of course he’s gone! He’s in the other room and now he realizes his time may be up.

The Episode Review

This week’s episode of “Chelsea” is slow-paced and focuses on the psychological horror angle of Chelsea’s side of the story. However, unlike the previous three episodes, which gave us more information about the killer and what happened at the party, this week only provides a few bits of information about these topics. Beyond that, there is not much else going on in this episode. ..

The episode is still enjoyable, but it feels like a step down from the last week’s chapters. With next week’s chapter titled “High School,” it looks like more of the past is about to be fleshed out, which hopefully will fill in the blanks over what we may be missing.

The episode’s lack of comedic and dramatic beats was a definite downer. Hopefully next week’s foray into the past will pick up the pace. ..