Casseroles and Casualties

The show wastes no time picking up where we left off. The ambulance races to hospital as our characters are left twiddling their thumbs over the fate of Kyle and Nellie. All the usual faces are there, and as tensions rise it’s Ronnie who directs traffic and calms things down.

The doctors show that Kyle is with the orthopedist and Nellie too is going to be okay. That’s that then.

Jackson pushes Tyler, who goes down clutching his elbow. There are all sorts of squabbles and grievances here between the characters; leftover baggage from season 1 that threatens to blow up at any moment. Jackson pushes Tyler, who goes down clutching his elbow. There are all sorts of squabbles and grievances here between the characters; leftover baggage from season 1 that threatens to blow up at any moment.

Ty’s arm is fractured and he will need to heal up in 4-6 weeks. However, this throws his plans for pitching for state completely out the window. Cal attempts to touch Maddie’s hand after finding out this news but she tellsingly pulls her hand away.

Kyle wakes up battered, bruised but very much alive. He apologizes for what’s happened. He’s understandably exhausted and he’s kept in for the night. Maddie takes Ty home.

Meanwhile, Dana and Helen discuss the night’s events and reflect on what’s happened. Maddie shows up soon after as the trio sit and have a cup of tea each. As a Brit, this is absolutely the best way of working through your issues. Where are the biscuits (cookies) though?

Dana heads home to find her best friend, Ronnie, there. Ronnie wants to talk about their relationship. Dana is hesitant because things between her and Jeremy are still going well.

In the morning, a whole bunch of people show up to see Kyle while he’s recovering, including Pastor June. The idea of forgiveness certainly causes Maddie to crease up a little, and as she leaves the room, Bill follows and approaches her. Maddie is conflicted about forgiving Kyle after what he did to her. ..

Maddie admits she’s not able to forgive him and vehemently declines to get back with him. It’s over, there’s no going back. Of course, that’s just as well given there’s clear chemistry between Cal and Maddie, with the former heading over with some pizza that afternoon. it ends up being so much more than that though, as the pair kiss. ..

The show is still kissing when Helen shows up with some lemon bars. Honestly, watching this show when you’re hungry is not a good idea.

Nellie heads to the hospital to see Kyle. She admits that the people at church were saying some crazy things, so she wanted to show up herself. Kyle blames himself for what happened, pointing out that he could have hurt her in the crash. But… he didn’t. So Nellie forgives him and kisses him on the forehead. ..

Meanwhile, Helen has a quick chat with her mum before getting back to work in the kitchen. At the same time, Ty tries to come to terms with his new situation, unable to use his arm for pitching. Given he can’t go to State, that’s doing nothing to help his mood. However, Kyle is coming home in the wheelchair soon so that’s at least a bonus.

As the episode comes to a close, Maddie, Dana and Helen sit together and discuss their current issues. Dana breaks down after admitting she’s struggling with Annie getting involved, along with carrying the weight of Isaac trying to find out who his birth mother is. When Dana leaves, Helen drops an absolute bombshell. She’s pregnant. ..

The Episode Review

The show Sweet Magnolias returns for a third season and after some initial drama early on, it’s back to the usual humdrum of the different subplots woven around this small town. In a way, this show does bear some similarities to Virgin River, although we all saw how season 3 ended up so hopefully this one doesn’t follow suit. Anyway, either way if you were a fan of season 1, you should love what’s here.

Some of the drama in this season is a little formulaic and contrived, including the way Tyler fractured his elbow. But on the whole, there’s clearly drama being brewed here that will be interesting to see play out in upcoming episodes. It’ll be interesting to see what happens with Helen’s pregnancy and how that affects the dynamic of the group. For now though, there’s plenty to work with going forward. ..