Call Mads

The group decides to take a look at the orb in the lab. They find that it is not just any orb, but one with a strange blue light inside. The light seems to be affecting Emma’s blood, making her feel more powerful and focused. The group decides to keep the orb and study it further.

Emma suggests they all travel together, but it seems like she may not be entirely committed to the idea. Last episode, she said she didn’t want to get involved anymore, so her motivations are a bit confusing. ..

Mads follows Emma as she meets Lukas, wanting his help. He implores her to be careful and suggests she leave with them before she messes something else up. Although she listens to Mads and turns away from the mysterious Lukas, she heads to work instead.

As a new employee, a medical is conducted. Her blood sample is taken and a strange questionnaire asking her to describe herself in a few words is another red flag. In the distance, she notices Thomas watching her suspiciously.

Emma’s mother has found an apartment in Copenhagen that they can leave tomorrow.

Emma is incredulous and tells her mother she’s changed her mind and doesn’t want to leave. Not now she has friends and a love triangle to develop. And who better to visit the sawmill together than Marie, Frederik and Emma. The thing is, Mads isn’t actually aware of them leaving together. Emma is quick to dissuade the others from telling him.

When Frederik heads out to investigate the sawmill, Marie tells Emma she needs to let Frederik down gently given their current relationship. As Marie leans over to kiss her, Emma rejects her and slips out the car, intending to find Frederik. ..

Marie is approached by a strange woman who tells her she needs to step out of the car as she’s on private property. Frederik has already been captured by these strange people, while Emma manages to find where Hans is being kept, courtesy of some not-very-well-disguised purple lights outside. ..

Emma begins to explore the orb, which she finds to be a strange, shimmering object. It seems to be an organism of some sort. On the ground happens to be Hans’ deceased body, which seems to be hooked up to this thing. Now, we heard Lukas speak of a parasite that wants to destroy everything so perhaps this orb is the original form?

Emma sets off a car alarm outside to distract the captors from Marie and Frederik. This gives the pair an opportunity to leave, but Emma is left behind.

In her absence, the gang reconvene and the truth is revealed. Mads reveals that Emma has slept with both Frederik and Marie, sending the latter out that night with a broken heart. As Frederik tries to talk her around, Emma shows up and guilt-trips them all about leaving her alone.

As Emma leaves on her own, she is soon punished for that foolish action by being chased by a strange man. She does manage to evade him, but only courtesy of Lukas showing up.

As they drive off together, she shows him the orb. Emma has decided to trust Lukas after all, believing he’s the key to all of this.

The Episode Review

Emma is an awful protagonist. She has slept with Frederik and Marie, then guilt trips them both about leaving her behind when they weren’t sure exactly where Emma was in the first place. No one actually challenges her about this. ..

That’s before mentioning her annoying flip-flopping attitude about getting involved in the conspiracy and then turning away from it. Her motivations are flaky, to say the least, and while I appreciate she has a lot going on with that orb, there’s just way too many loose ends to make this a consistent mystery series.

Based on this showing, it seems unlikely that we will see much character development in the chapters to come.

The ending of this film is a bit of a letdown, but the second half could use some more excitement.