Episode 6 of F4 Thailand: Boys Over Flowers begins with Thyme’s mother closing a business deal. She tells Tia to take care of “collateral damage” (Gorya) once back in Thailand, as she doesn’t like change. ..

At the flower shop, employees discuss the symbolism of tulips. Kinging and Boss ask about Ren who’s been back for a week. In flashback, Gorya remembers Thyme immediately marking her as his territory with Ren. ..

Ren seems different. Kaning suggests she come up with an excuse to chat with him, to see if he really has changed. Then over social they spot Ren canoodling with an unknown girl.

Thyme embarrasses Gorya by calling her out to meet him from the podium. After spouting his annoyance at not being able to reach her, he forces a new phone on her. It’s so he can get in touch with her for their F4-style date.

Ren and Gorya meet each other on the roof, where Gorya tells him that she seems different and denies dating Thyme. Ren suggests they date behind his back, but then laughs it off as a joke. He asks whether he’s returned from France too late.

Gorya’s again talking about Ren. At the mention of Thyme, she shows his non-stop flow of texts about their upcoming date. Kaning suggests they make it a double date to reduce the pressure.

Via video, Thyme immediately protests a double to the zoo. But says he’ll go if she asks nicely. And tells him he’s cool. And meows. As the guys snicker, Ren comments that he’ll go with her if Thyme doesn’t want to, so Thyme quickly agrees.

As Gorya vents her frustration with Thyme, Tia shows up to meet her. Gorya talks about Ren having changed and Tia notes that important things, like love, change you. She tells Gorya to let her know if there’s any trouble.

Gorya spots Ren gazing at Mira’s billboard and asks him about France. Ren tells Gorya how great it was and then asks Gorya about Russia. Gorya tells Ren that he is not the same as he used to be and runs away without responding, but leaves her phone behind. ..

Thyme reached out to Gorya’s brother asking where his sister was, but she claimed not to have been out anywhere or with anyone. They confirmed their date and argued like always. Afterwards, Gorya asked his brother about his new phone- it was from Thyme, of course. ..

Ren and Thyme meet earlier that day and Ren asks about France but Thyme dodges the question, saying he’ll pick a shirt for him. Thyme finds Gorya’s phone on the couch and Ren notes that she’d dropped it when they’d met earlier.

At the zoo, Kaning’s date Tesla made a bad impression and just kept on descending. Thyme managed to hold his water, for the most part. ..

Thyme and Gorya have a nice date together, with Gorya admitting he knows they’re not a couple but that he’s still hoping. But when talk turns to her phone and she lies about meeting anyone, Thyme feels the pinch. ..

Tesla complains about Kaning and notes how he wishes he had met Gorya first. It only takes one lewd comment to set Thyme punching. He and Gorya argue over the outbreak, with Thyme walking off in anger.

Ren receives a package at home. Elsewhere, Kaning tells Gorya that they have broken up. And at the poolside, Thyme is still wound up, throwing garden furniture. He says he would rather go back to the way he was before, so the guys push him into the pool to cool down. ..

As consolation, Kavin and MJ explain how relationships work, convincing him to make up with Gorya. Tia overhears and texts Gorya, asking her to be patient with Thyme. But of course, Gorya’s phone isn’t working. At his house, Ren opens the mystery box to find his missing sketch book.

Gorya, a high school student, catches wind of a breaking news story. It’s about a young girl who has been diagnosed with leukemia and is in need of a bone marrow transplant. Gorya is deeply affected by the story and runs to find her best friend, Ren. Ren tells her about his own struggles with feeling worthless and unworthy of love. Gorya confesses that she feels the same way and they share a tearful hug. ..

Thyme’s mother explains that tulip mania has been a rapid change in demand. As she holds a photo of Thyme and Gorya, she notes that change is always dangerous. The higher something rises, the harder it crashes, and the more dangerous things get.

Thyme watches as Gorya and Ren embrace from across the way. ..

The Episode Review

This week’s tulip theme is first love. Ren is trying to court Gorya, but Thyme seems to be interested in him too. Thyme’s mother may not be happy about a potential love match for her son, and there are indications that things will change with Thyme soon. ..

Ren mourns his love for Mira and tries to block out his feelings in a manner counter to his nature. Rather than his typical head-in-the-sand, he seeks balm in others. But acting so differently he’s like an alien in a Ren suit. Dew Sutivanichsak pulls this off brilliantly, looking both lecherous and uncertain in turns.

Gorya and Thyme share a first love moment at the zoo, where Gorya admits that she hasn’t agreed to being Thyme’s girlfriend, but still hopes. It’s so sincere, for a second Gorya looks convinced. But in their moment of honesty, she also doubles down in her lie about meeting Ren. Gorya doesn’t want to cause a fuss and still doesn’t know how she feels. But the clear falsehood gets to Thyme.

There’s less from Kavin and MJ this instalment, but Kavin is growing on us. His teaching moment is great. Both guys seem to have made their choices about the love triangle, but of course, still see F4 as the most important thing. As the story progresses, they continue to have respect for Gorya as a person – interesting considering their own relationships with anyone outside the huddle.

Kavin is starting to feel more comfortable with the character, or maybe we’re just accepting it. Let’s go with progress for now.

Are you watching F4 Thailand: Boys Over Flowers? What do you think of the characters and actors? We’d love to hear your thoughts and examples. Let us know in the comments below.

F4 Thailand Episode 7 Recap: This week’s episode of F4 Thailand featured some interesting and random thoughts on the show. Some viewers agreed with the random thoughts while others disagreed. Check out our Preview story for F4 Thailand Episode 7 to find out what you think!