Episode 11 of F4 Thailand: Boys Over Flowers (YouTube, GMMTV, Viu) surfaces at the site of Gorya’s captivity where Talay and friends await Thyme, the fish who’s taken the bait. Talay acknowledges that he’s keen to teach Thyme a lesson. ..

As Thyme heads to Gorya alone, F2 rescue Ren and pass on intel by phone. At the warehouse, Talay reveals his reason for plotting against F4 and relationship with Phupha. He confirms that since the incident, the once shining Phupha no longer has such potential. He’d been crushed by F4.

After Phupha had been beaten, his family went into debt to cover his treatment. Talay, a student at their school, decided to take revenge by hacking their website and posting personal information about the students. This led to other students coming forward with their stories of abuse. ..

He berates Gorya for being friends with them after what they did to her too. She should have been the one to fight against them. She tells him that what he’s doing isn’t right and offers to help him change things. But Talay is too angry to hear. ..

When Thyme arrives and admits to this past, Talay gives him a red card and the jackals launch. Gorya tries to stop Talay by talking about Phupha. But when one of the other guys tries to shut her up, Talay defends her.

After Talay punches Thyme, he says that he won’t fight back if it means losing. Gorya breaks free from her bindings and covers Thyme, getting knocked out. ..

Gorya wakes up in the hospital and runs to see Thyme in his hospital room. She finds a covered corpse. The guys let her believe he’s gone as she curses at the sheet. She still has a lot of bad names to call him.

The guys try to hold it together as their girlfriend also professes her love for them. But Thyme is too happy to keep playing dead. She smacks them all with a pillow. As they laugh and play, Lita hears the joy from outside and throws her “get well” flowers in the bin. ..

Kavin offers Kaning a ride home. A series of texts demonstrate that things aren’t yet over between Thyme and Talay. He sends F3 into action.

Ren finds Phupha who is not able to walk. Meanwhile, Thyme has been visiting all the people they’d hurt to apologize and take his licks. Ren confides in Talay that Thyme has changed since meeting Gorya.

He asks Talay to let things end but Talay isn’t convinced. He’d recorded Thyme confessing to the bullying and insists on sharing it with the world.

Talay says he needs to start exposing the truth from the beginning in order to prevent future incidents from happening. Ren suddenly has a vision of Thyme’s mother talking about red cards. ..

Talay plans to share the file and then admit his own wrongdoings, fully fair. He says F4 must admit everything before it’s too late.

Gorya is kidnapped by men in suits, but she’s saved by her friend Thyme. Ah, those suited men. He tells her he met with Talay and posted the confession video himself. Gorya checks to see if it broke the internet, but there’s no video to be found.

The woman’s voicemail has a message from Talay. He’d set the share to ‘only me’ and decided to discontinue his revenge spree. Much like Phupha’s Dad had done in the past.

In a flashback to different times, it’s Talay who delivers the classic line, ‘If apologies were enough, the police would be out of a job.’ Phupha sagely comments that Talay speaks like a character from a manga, claiming he’d forgive someone willing to change.

Thyme and Gorya take a walk to see the meteor shower. The beauty of the display is stunning, but it doesn’t last. Thyme offers to buy Gorya a meteor necklace as a thank you.

The United States is set to become the world’s leading economy by 2027, according to a new report from the World Bank. The report, “World Economic Outlook: The 21st Century,” forecasts that the U.S. will be the world’s largest economy by then, with a GDP of $19 trillion. China will be second with a GDP of $13 trillion and India will be third with a GDP of $10 trillion. The report also predicts that global economic growth will slow in 2019 and 2020, but then pick up in 2021 and 2022.

Gorya tells Thyme that she loves him and will always be there for him. Thyme responds with ever-lasting love and asks Gorya to be his girl.

The Episode Review

We’ll have to wait until next week for Gorya’s answer. But Thyme has made such great strides as a human, how could she say no? Hold on, wait a minute – what happened to Lita? More excitement to come, am sure. For a few ideas, check the Ep 12 Preview story here.

This week’s Talay story was full of high-speed shifts from angry to crazy to normal to angry again. Even though he went a bit overboard in the vengeance stakes, at least his action was in his friend’s name.

Publicly revealing everything could be a risky move for someone like him. It could lead to more rats being caught and killed, as well as impacting families and their empires. ..

It’s becoming increasingly common for people to post everything they do on social media for the world to see. This can have a negative effect on people’s lives, as others can judge them harshly and this can spiral out of control. It is difficult to give “the whole story” when everything is posted online, and it’s possible that this could lead to more harm being done to people. ..

Thyme’s solution is a way to connect with others more personally, without the embarrassment of being seen as too personal. It’s a way to have more meaningful conversations without feeling like you’re being too intrusive.

Thyme has already completely softened from his former persona. How many people do you think would apologize to every person he’s ever wronged? How many people would even think of it? ..

The eleventh episode of “K-drama My Love From the Star” was filled with energy and urgency. The changes in lighting from moody and sinister to bright and revealing then finally to soft romance helped to make mood shifts clear and immediately comprehensible. A solid episode all around. ..

Are you watching F4 Thailand: Boys Over Flowers? What do you think would be an appropriate response for F4-like crimes? We’d love to hear your thoughts. Feel free to slot ’em below.

F4 Thailand Episode 12 Preview: This week’s episode of F4 Thailand is all about the new president of Thailand, Prayuth Chan-ocha. We get a little insight into his life and what he plans to do with the country. Plus, we hear some thoughts on this week’s events in the country.