In a rainy season storm, at the flower shop, Boys Over Flowers (YouTube, GMMTV, Viu) picks up. Flower Boss Ga urges Kaning not to hesitate as teen years are fleeting.

Lita shows up at Gorya’s house to tell her that Thyme asked her to be his girlfriend and she accepted. Gorya congratulates her, hiding his tears. ..

Thyme and Lita are revealed to be dating. Thyme is hesitant to take her to the prom, but she reminds him that he agreed to try to love her. ..

MJ and Lita had a relationship that went sour after MJ blackmailed her for information. Kavin scolds him for helping her but he claims no one can handle that girl. The guys wonder what happened between Thyme and Gorya to make him switch so suddenly.

Ren checks in with Gorya who tells him that they never were a couple and she decided to focus on her studies. If Thyme can move on, so can she. Ren reaffirms that Thyme isn’t the type to move on easily. But she, among others, catch him kissing Lita on school grounds.

Gorya escapes before an indignant Thyme pushes Lita away. Instead, the mean girls corner her, talking about Thyme’s new love. Talay drops a few books to scatter them. Gorya asks him about other part-time jobs and he suggests a Rider’s wife gig, helping him make deliveries. He teases that she can be his real wife and Ren overhears the exchange. ..

At the flower shop, Gorya reports that Thyme kissed Lita and acted like she’s ok with it. Kaning wishes she had that kind of courage. Ga encourages her to make a move with Kavin before school ends.

Kaning braves up and brings flowers to graduation. MJ and Ren offer to escort her in to see Kavin give the valedictorian speech. She tells them Gorya is with Talay making deliveries but they wonder what student from their school is a delivery guy.

Talay and Gorya share a snack by the river. He tells her that happiness isn’t hard to find and offers to show her.

Kavin quotes CS Lewis with “You may not be able to change the beginning, but you can change the ending.” And he notes that people are good at remembering their mistakes, but no one can just get on a time machine. ..

Gorya and Talay are talking at the mall when Thyme walks up. Gorya starts to push Talay away, but Talay pulls him away. Thyme approaches them, but Gorya pushes her away. Lita watches from across the hall.

Thyme and Gorya follow Talay and Lita out of the restaurant. Gorya sees Thyme push Talay, so she tells Thyme to get lost. Lita shows up toward the end of the exchange.

As Gorya takes her finals, others prepare for the prom. Thyme puts his birthday cookies in the trash and Gorya finds a new red card in her locker. She notes that everyone will move on except her as her locker falls forward and bullies start to gather.

After the red card was reinstated, the mean girls noticed that all of the social comments were coming from one user – Screwdriver. They put it down to love hard/fight hard, but they also noticed that all of the other users were talking about Talay and his mates. Ren talked to the guys about Talay and his mates, potentially an anti-F4 group.

At school, Gorya is hiding from bullies and Talay helps her escape, noting it must have been Thyme who ordered it. Ren asks MJ to investigate Talay but they’re not finding much.

Gorya is captured and taken to the stadium. First, she is punched in the face. Next, she falls back and hits her head. The meanies think it’s going too far, so Ren rescues her. Meanwhile, Thyme rocks up to the prom with Lita. ..

MJ uses his hacking skills to investigate the suspiciously clean CCTV footage and calls Ren who’s about to take Gorya to the hospital. But as the guys try to tell him that Talay was the one who posted the red card, he’s knocked out cold. Then Talay announces that they’re moving on to the next plan.

Lita and her friends at the prom were having a great time until they saw a post on Thyme’s phone of him and Gorya restrained. Without warning, he ran out of the prom leaving Lita behind with her cookies. ..

The final group message from Screwdriver is: It’s time to punish F4.

The Episode Review

Episode 9 of Thyme showed Gorya following up on a suggestion from Recalling last week. However, this seems to be turning out poorly for everyone involved, except Talay. In Episode 10, Talay takes advantage of an opportunity to stick it to F4 revenge-style. ..

Meanwhile, Ren is checking out the situation with a step-by-step plan of how to figure out what’s going on. He doesn’t get involved with other people’s problems, which might be why he’s not seeing the problem as clearly as others.

Gorya has always been a strong advocate for her relationship with Thyme, and now he’s even more aware of the potential consequences. He’s continued to support her through thick and thin, and it’s clear that he cares deeply for her.

The Thya or Goryme school year is coming to a close, and we know there’s more to come. This week has been full of running around and not much conclusion, so next week we should see quite a bit of landing.

Ren’s character has been through a lot in the past few episodes, and there are potential connections to previous versions of herself. Random Thoughts about Ren’s character and her connections to previous versions can be found in the Preview for Ep 11 story here. ..

This week’s developments in F4 Thailand: Boys Over Flowers have left fans eagerly awaiting next week’s episode. Did you enjoy this week’s episode? We want to know what you thought. Leave your thoughts in the comments below. ..

F4 Thailand Episode 11 Preview: This week’s episode of F4 Thailand is all about the new president of Thailand, Prayuth Chan-ocha. We get a little insight into his life and what he plans to do with the country. Plus, we hear some thoughts on this week’s events in the country.