
Isabelle confronts Julian and wants to know what Olga may be hiding. She points out that Olga was talking a lot of crap about him before she died. Julian shrugs, pointing out that Olga wanted him to see the Lisa Beck file and find out what may be hiding there. Isabelle tells him to move on and leave it, ending with telling Julian that she and Lorenzo are the only ones who have his back.

Richard is angry at Michelle and demands to know if she’s been seeing Julian again. Michelle is quiet and replies no, but Richard seems to believe her. He asks if Colin is his son and the silence speaks volumes. Richard is not happy with this answer and points out all the moments he’s been there for Colin, helping to raise the child like his own.

Michelle tries to explain, admitting that she wanted something better for Colin. A better life for them both. As the pair argue, Michelle claims she was just a prized possession to Richard, and that this was never about love.

The Sunday Times continues its investigation into the case of Lisa Beck, who seems to be the key to everything. This is personal for Sunday, as she grew up with two addicts and has had to look after them herself.

Julian and Lorenzo discuss the kidnapping of Colin and the tattoo on the man’s hand. They don’t have a lot to go on but time is very much of the essence here.

After doing a deeper dive on Lisa Beck, Sunday finds some crucial information to help with the case. She hurriedly rings Julian, telling him he needs to see what she’s found. Lisa Beck had a sister called Janet Beck. However, Janet changed her name following Lisa’s death to… Janet Holmes.

Lisa and Janet were sisters and the latter was making some “pretty interesting” calls before she died. She not only phoned a congressman but she also phoned a newspaper and cable company. Alongside those though are several numbers referencing back to people who worked for Olga – clients. Gail St John was one of Julian’s old clients and given her name is on the list, Julian decides it may be a good idea if he goes along alone to talk to her.

Sunday finds out more about the kidnapper of Colin, including a very specific description – a bird tattoo on the man’s hand. This brings her closer to finding out who has taken Colin.

Meanwhile, Julian heads off to see Gail, who drops the bombshell reveal that Janet was killed and “everyone was in on it.” It would seem that Janet was investigating Olga and what happened with her sister, and was killed for it. Julian is not happy and eventually lashes out at Lorenzo, claiming he knew about the investigation but didn’t tell anyone. ..

Sunday is en route to grab Colin, when she is pulled over by police. Unfortunately, she has the money needed for the transfer. Captured by police, Sunday lets Julian know what’s happened. He immediately heads over to Richard Stratton’s place, intent on working together to get Colin back.

Meanwhile, Sunday questions Stratton about the whereabouts of Colin and Isabelle, while we learn that Isabelle is actually the one behind Colin’s kidnapping.

The Episode Review

Julian has been keeping secrets from us all this time, and it turns out that Isabelle was one of those secrets. We now know that she’s been working against Julian all along, and it’s a huge betrayal.

It isn’t all that surprising to find out that she is orchestrating Colin’s kidnapping. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if we find out she also killed Olga too. ..

The episode does well to keep things interesting, although the inclusion of Paloma and Sunday exuding exposition about her past felt a bit clunky. However, American Gigolo sets the scene nicely for what should be a very dramatic episode to follow next week. ..