America’s Sweetheart or: Time over Time

The final episode of ‘The Staircase’ has finally aired on HBO Max. The controversial case of Kathleen Peterson’s mysterious death became an article of national obsession. Although it has died down considerably, interest in seeking out the truth has remained stout.

The Staircase season finale was a bit of a letdown. The show did not seem to be as committed to bringing out the truth as it seemed to promise. Instead, it seemed more like a dramatized version of certain truths. This is likely because the show does not profess to bring out the truth. Instead, it promises a dramatized version of certain truths that are not necessarily accurate or true.

The three timelines are all based on the same “day before” trope. We’ve changed how we’re presenting this last recap to make things crystal clear for you all. ..

In 2001, the events of 9/11 unfolded. In 2011, the Occupy movement began to gain traction. In 2017, the Trump administration was elected and began to implement their policies.

2001 – Before Kathleen’s Death

This timeline’s last hurrah is an extremely positive one. We have seen a tense Kathleen unable to come to terms with her situation. It wouldn’t be too wrong to say that she is going through a mid-life crisis. The existential dread numbs her when it sets in – suddenly, without notice. ..

She stares blankly into her screen watching the publicly traded shares of Nortel crash further. They have lost almost 80% of their intrinsic value and are unlikely to recoup any considerable chunk (Fun Fact: the shares officially became worthless back in 2009 when the company announced their delisting from the exchanges).

Candace apologizes for her Thanksgiving episode and yearns to leave her stressful life and go to Aruba or Paris for a while. Kathleen laughs it off. Candace is excited to get an email from Mike. He has scored tickets for the Christmas Ball where the elite of the town will come to have a grand party.

It is one final, desperate attempt from Mike to save his marriage. And thankfully for him, Kathleen responds. The two have a passionate, carnal session before it, following it up with a beautiful night whose memory forever remains etched in his brain.

2011 – Before Michael’s Retrial Hearing

The retrial hearing was an important step in Mike’s legal journey. It would prove that his guilt, for the time being, and until a new trial, was nullified. The air is a mix of nervousness and optimism among Mike’s family, who take center stage.

The main point of contention for Rudolf and the Defense was that Duane Deaver, the SBI agent, lied and that his testimony was unreliable. The jury based their opinion on his testimony and found it to be material to the final verdict. The judge agrees with the contention, despite hearing out Candace’s impassioned plea to let Mike remain in jail for what she thought he did to Kathleen. ..

The dinner is not a happy one. There is a lot of discomfort between the members of the family. The many secrets, insecurities, and jealousies that lie beneath the surface make sure that there are at least three instances where one of them snaps at each other.

2017 – Before Michael’s Alford Plea

Jean and Mike sit in the room, where Mike says something that makes him teary-eyed and helps in making the decision. Mike takes the plea. Candace’s impassioned speech rouses the memories of the 2011 trial. ..

The hearings are simultaneously interwoven in a goosebump moment. The overlap is such that you do not really know the difference in their lives. It is almost suggestive from Campos that they have not been able to move on. They have been stuck in that time, forever.

The children are not present at the trial and get the news of the Alford via text. They each have their own situations to deal with and can finally take relief from the long-drawn saga of almost 16 years.

But, the same cannot be said for Mike. And then, for Sophie. She watches a television interview of Mike talking about Kathleen and how he can not get her outside his head. She cannot fathom this and the fact that Mike says he “doesn’t know” if he ever loved Sophie. ..

Kathleen’s death was still an open question after the trial. Some people believed that her death was an accident, while others believed that her husband had killed her. But one thing we know for sure is that he lied about what happened that night. ..

This part of the show is probably the most heartbreaking of all the three. The viewer feels an instant urge of disgust against Mike for what he does to Sophie.

The Ending

The final scene of the episode was probably the most graceful, subtle filmmaking from Campos that makes purists like me weak in the knees. The end is inconclusive, just as the trial was. ..

Kathleen and Mike discuss mundane things about Kathleen’s work and the movie they saw. Sophie comes to the conclusion that Mike’s manipulative approach toward her has destroyed her life. Mike sits on the bed with his back to the audience. ..

The camera slowly pivots, going around him. It stops at his face. Mike changes his expressions – from concerned and scared, to smug and deceitful. We STILL do not know the truth. We never will. ..

The Episode Review

The ending of the Mike series captures the ethos of the character and this series in general. We must be mindful of the fact that all of this has been an interpretation of what might have happened. As of today, there is no clarity on the truth.

Antonio Campos has created a version of his passion project that is a reality.

Some of the footage in the documentary may be true, while other footage may be false. It is up to the viewer to decide which footage is true and which footage is false. ..