Is Delilah Briarwood still alive?

Delilah survived the fight at the ziggurat, but she has no strength left. Percy is ready to kill her anyway. Obviously not himself, he belittles Keyleth’s situation and points his gun at Delilah’s head, ready to shoot at any moment.

Cassandra is equally cold with her, and she drags Scanlan away when he points out that they should get away from the spinning black orb that’s been interfering with magic.

Percy tells Delilah that he will kill her if she performs her ritual again. Her ritual failed and she has no hope. But Percy says his pain will be drawn out and tortuous. He puts on his mask and points his pepperbox to Delilah’s mouth.

Percy fires a burst of black energy at Scanlan, knocking him to the ground. The smoke around him becomes black and toxic.

Do Vax and Scanlan heal Keyleth?

The necrosis first started to spread when Vex administered Keyleth an elixir. However, they were too close to the ziggurat’s black sphere for the magic to work.

Vax asks for another elixir from Pike, but there is none to be had. Without Pike to heal her, Vax doesn’t know what to do. He lays Keyleth down to rest and kisses her hand, but just then an idea sparks. ..

Scanlan, like Keyleth, gathers herbs. He then adds his own magical tunes to assist with Vax’s efforts. Finally, they wait. ..

Keyleth sits up and speaks after Percy’s curse is brought up.

What is the curse of Percy’s pepperbox pistol?

Percy begins to feel a presence inside of him, something stronger and more powerful than before. The smoke from the fire becomes thicker and more intense, making it difficult for Vex to see what is happening. He thinks that something is possessing Percy, but he can’t explain it.

Keyleth says that it isn’t Percy speaking, but a demon. And that if it gets what it wants (Percy’s vengeance on Delilah), there may be nothing of Percy left. The subtitles call this demon Orthax, but I believe his name is otherwise never stated.

Vex approaches Percy. “Darling, take off the mask,” she says. “The mask drops to show Percy sobbing, his eyes black. He says Orthax won’t allow him any control.” He tries to shoot himself just to end the misery, but the demon stops him.

Orthax urges Percy to kill Delilah and his friends, when they step in his way. The demon gives him visions of his family to spur his revenge.

Percy is attacked by his friends, Orthax rises from him in his full form, a wolf-like shadow beast. Percy asks him who he is, but Orthax replies that Percy already knows.

Percy’s thirst for vengeance called Orthax to him. When he created his pistol, he made a bargain with the creature. Orthax gives him the power to avenge his family while Percy feeds the demon the souls of his victims.

Does Vox Machina free Percy from the demon?

Cassandra yells at Percy that this is not who he is, that he must fight so that he doesn’t hurt the people he loves. Vex too urges him to remember himself.

But Orthax’s voice clashes with theirs. He tells Percy he knows who he should trust. Percy agrees, and smiles. Then, he shoots his own hand. ..

Percy Jackson is finally himself again after being possessed by the god of the underworld, Hades. ..

How does Delilah die?

Delilah laughs as she watches the outcome of the fight. She says that Percy has shown weakness in not being able to kill her.

Percy is forgiving with her. He knows the pain of losing a loved one, as she lost Sylas. But Delilah isn’t touched.

Cassandra says that the Whispered One will finish what she started. She starts a speech about how cities will fall and rivers will flow with blood. But before she can finish, Cassandra stabs her in the throat.

She says she’s glad Percy could forgive Delilah, but she couldn’t.

What happens to Percy’s gun?

Percy goes to pick up his pepperbox, convinced that Orthax is no longer living inside. Scanlan is sceptical, however. Percy is not sure if Orthax is still alive, but Scanlan remains unconvinced. ..

The bard kicks the gun into a pool of acid, and the demon can be seen briefly, before it is completely submerged. ..

Percy thanks everyone for their help before turning to Scanlan. “Well, I’ll be damned,” he says. He thanks Scanlan and everyone else for saving him before turning to the others and saying, “We’re in trouble now.”

Does Keyleth tell Vax she loves him?

After the battle at the Sun Tree, everyone in Whitestone thanks Vox Machina for their help. ..

Vax approaches Keyleth to tell her that he meant what he said earlier. He does love her. Keyleth smiles and says no one has ever said that to her before. However, she says they can’t be together because of their responsibilities. ..

Keyleth and Vax seem to be making progress in their relationship, but Vex is still not happy about it. ..

Will Percy or Cassandra rule Whitestone?

Percy tells Cassandra that she is the rightful heir to Whitestone and should take over its rule. ..

Cassandra worries that their people will see her as a traitor, but Percy comforts her. She can ensure that the city lives forever by rewriting the history of it. She smiles, encouraged. ..

What happens to the black orb in the ziggurat?

Yennen offers her opinion on the black sphere that resulted from Delilah’s ritual. She believes it is connected to something beyond the veil.

She sent one of her men to investigate it. As she says this, however, the scene changes to show us the holy man. He reaches out to the orb. As his body decays into a skeleton, he gets sucked into the sphere. Vox Machina is completely unaware.

How does The Legend of Vox Machina Season 1 End?

Keyleth transported Vox Machina through the Sun Tree, back to Emon, where Sovereign Uriel honored them and made an announcement to the city. ..

He says his judgment was corrupted by the Briarwoods and, as a result, Tal’Dorei was plagued by evil. This, along with Vox Machina’s success, made him realize that a group of people is stronger than an individual. So, he cedes the government to the council of Tal’Dorei. ..

As he finishes his speech, Vex experiences a headache and pain in her head. Shortly after, she begins to feel the presence of dragons.

The season concludes with the four dragons flying toward Emon. ..

Are the dragons connected to episodes 1 and 2?

The plan is to use the dragons as a weapon against humanity, and to create an empire ruled by the dragons. This would be a terrible thing for humanity, as it would mean that we would be living in a world of giant, flying reptiles. But if it’s true that General Krieg has this plan, then it’s probably the only way to save the world from destruction.

In the final episode of “Brimscythe,” we briefly caught a glimpse of four draconic eyes. These likely represent the four dragons we saw in the season finale. ..

Since the first episode of Season 2, Vox Machina has been setting up the major conflict for the season. ..

The Episode Review

Vox Machina is a band of mercenaries who have fought in every war in the realm, and they know how to fight. In this first episode, we see them team up with the kingdom’s best forces to take on an enemy force that’s been raiding their territory. The fight is tough, but they pull through and come out victorious.

“The Darkness Within” delivers a satisfying and ominous resolution to the revolution of Whitestone while tying the overall season conclusion back to the first two episodes. The finale not only provides a satisfying conclusion to the season, but also sets up future storylines. ..

The episode ends by showing us individuals who have changed for the better. With Percy’s newfound freedom, Pike’s new sense of self, Vex’s new respect for Keyleth, Keyleth’s ever-growing power, and the druid’s rejection of Vax–we’re going to see a fresh group dynamic for writers to play with next season. ..

In this episode, Vex pledges to hunt down the dragon that killed her mother. This could be setting up an important arc for Vex and Vax in the next season.

The people of Whitestone and the Pale Guard fought a fierce battle, but Keyleth’s healing was so miraculous that I found it difficult to believe. I also wish we could have had a short scene resolving the fight between the people of Whitestone and The Pale Guard.

The finale of “The Walking Dead” managed to resolve a lot of its plot points while leaving us much to look forward to. In addition to the threat of the dragons, we may yet see more of Anna Ripley and The Whispered One.

The series finale of “Game of Thrones” was a success, according to many viewers. Some thought it was great, while others were disappointed. Let us know what you thought in the comments below!