A Villa. A Broom. A Cake.

The couple is struggling to find a wedding venue in Florence, Italy. They meet up with another friend and discuss the pressures they are experiencing in planning their wedding.

Later at the hotel, Amy checks if Lino is okay with his family missing the celebration. They invited them a year ago but they are yet to RSVP. Lino is sad but he admits that he knew they wouldn’t show up. He is however looking forward to starting his married life with Amy and meeting the rest of her extended family on the wedding day

The whole family soon arrives in Florence and it is a hectic scene. You can count on some drama to happen. Amy’s mother starts the drama by complaining that airport security took her chamomile leaves so she can’t make calming tea. She is certain they will “all look like extras from the thriller’s set.” At least Michael Jackson would approve!

Hershel announces that he and Maxine will be walking his daughter down the aisle, despite the fact that Lynn may want to do it too. He also did not discuss this new development with the bride. He argues that three people can’t possibly walk her down the aisle, they will look “like some kind of hobble cow.’’ There are also picky food eaters and their children at the wedding. There are also those who want to know why Lino’s family is not coming to the wedding. ..

Amy is tired from the tension her family is creating, but it keeps getting worse. Her mom wants to invite a random guy she just met to sit with the family and would prefer if Maxine is not seated at the center table with her. She feels like Amy is erasing her as her mother at the wedding. ..

Lino and Hershel talk about Lino’s father disapproving of him. Meanwhile, Amy is worried if her marriage will work given that Lino’s parents disapprove of her. Zora tells her that she is the only one who can decide how her marriage will work. She tells her that she is proud of the way she has chosen to live and love. ..

Lino’s mother is not happy with her husband’s decision not to attend the wedding. She desperately wants to go but he forbids her, saying it is a disgrace. ..

The wedding day arrives and the morning is an emotional one as the family helps them get ready for their special day. Lino is a bit sad, he had hoped that his family would change their mind and come. Amy tells him it is okay because they will soon be a family.

Amy and Lino cancel their honeymoon and opt to visit Lino’s family. They take an idyllic train trip and Lino calls his family to let them know they have arrived in Sicily. In another series of unfortunate coincidences, his dad picks up the phone and tells him that Sicily is no longer his home and they are not welcomed. Lino’s sister confronts her dad and says she is tired of not having a relationship with her brother out of respect for him.

Amy and Lino book a hotel nearby and while Lino is showering Amy sneakily calls his family. This time his sister picks up and they plot a way for Lino to visit the family without his dad knowing. The sister says that would be impossible as they live in a small town and rumors will fly. She is scared that Lino’s dad will punish their mother if he finds out.

Amy asks if they can visit them at the hotel they are currently staying at. She pleads with her to meet them halfway and the sister says that they will talk to their father and meet them at the hotel at 6 pm. Lino is happy that there is a possibility he can meet his family. Unfortunately, they are unable to make it because their father has a prior engagement. ..

The next day, Lino and Amy visit the market where they see his father driving away. This saddens Lino, but Amy tries to cheer him up. Meanwhile, Lino’s mother is growing more frustrated with the situation and is mischievously taking it out on her husband. I laughed when she denied him sauce to eat with his pasta. In the end, she and his sister secretly meet with Lino and they have a bitter-sweet reunion. ..

The Episode Review

The wedding was a bit of a letdown for us, as Lino’s family didn’t show up. It was nice to see Hershel get close to Lino though, and I’m glad Lynn didn’t do something to ruin the celebration.

It is interesting to see Lino’s parents and I can understand the mother for wanting to be there for her son, while at the same time respecting and submitting to her husband. It is a tough dilemma to be in. Lino’s father is putting his family through emotional turmoil because of his ego. How long will he hold it against Lino for choosing his path?