A Big Sign

In the third episode of The Good Doctor’s sixth season, Shaun and Lea have dinner. Lea wants to invite their friends over, but Shaun shuts down that idea. Afterwards, Lea notices that Shaun is re-washing the plates. This slightly annoys her. ..

Meanwhile, Lim asks Andrews for the M&M report of her surgery. She wants to see if the evidence that Shaun is to blame for her paralyzation is inconclusive as the committee suggested. Andrews worries if she will be able to be impartial but agrees to email her the report. ..

Allen is in a difficult struggle as she tries to deny her developing crush on Perez. It is not an easy task as Perez is walking around either shirtless showcasing his amazing abs or being so sweet and considerate. She also has to deal with the constant teasing from Asher. By the end of the episode, she gives up and admits to Asher that she has a crush on the new handsome resident. I mean, can you blame her?

Shaun is dealing with a marital therapist, Julianna, who has a tumor. She offers some advice to Shaun after noticing his new wedding bling. She cautions him that in the first year of a marriage it is important to weed out bad habits and create good ones. ..

Shaun immediately goes into fix it mode and calls a meeting of Glassman, Andrews, Park, and Lim. Initially, they think the meeting is for a consultation but are surprised that Shaun wants to know what bad habits led to their divorces. Park, Andrews, and Glassman have no issues advising Shaun but Lim is curt and adjourns the meeting telling Shaun he should talk to his wife if he has concerns about his marriage.

In the end, Park and Katie are able to work together to help their daughter get the treatment she needs.

Katie was misdiagnosed with bipolar disorder; she actually has hydrocephalus, a build-up of fluid within the brain. They decided to do surgery and drain the fluid, and Katie responded well and seemed to be on the road to recovery. Powell redeemed herself by talking to Katie’s mom to give another chance to her husband and reunite the family. She also revealed that she has a prosthetic leg and that is why she limps. ..

Lim confronts Glassman about how he feels about Shaun ignoring his order and using a different technique during her surgery. Glassman admits that he was angry and he is constantly thinking  what if he did this or that . He admits he is not fine with what Shaun did but he doesn’t think Shaun made a mistake and it shouldn’t mark his career as a surgeon. Lim is looking for someone to blame for her paralyzation and Shaun is high on her list.

Unfortunately, Shaun’s patient, Julianna, doesn’t make it. She dies on the table before they can open her up for a second surgery after discovering a new tumor. Before she dies she advises Shaun to simply appreciate Lea more.

After the surgery, Lim comes to see Shaun to find out what happened to Julianna. Murphy begins to thank her for her advice to talk to Lea but Lim cuts him short. She tells him that she is angry about how her surgery turned out and that she blames him for her paralysis. “I don’t want anything more than a professional relationship with you,” she says. “I’m angry about how my surgery turned out and I blame you for my paralysis.” ..

The Episode Review

Lim was stabbed in the back by an unknown assailant, which caused her to lose the use of her legs. Shaun, who was trying to save her life, is not responsible for this. The real villain of this story is the man who stabbed Lim. ..

I’m happy that Allen is getting a romantic storyline, it will be fun to see this new side of her. Do you think Lim is right about Shaun being the reason she is in a wheelchair?