Single Drunk Female is an intimate reflection of the writer’s personal story of addiction and recovery. It’s likely due to Finch’s unique perspective that this Freeform dramedy lands (in its better moments) with such emotional verve. ..

Sofia Black-D’Ehlia stars as 28-year-old recovering alcoholic Samantha Fink–the show’s titular subject. She’s single, she’s drunk, she’s female; and this TV comedy explores the intersection of these identities throughout the course of 10 episodes.

Single Drunk Female is a memoir of Sam’s life, from her move back home to her public drunken breakdown. ..

Sam has to navigate her way through a variety of challenges as she recovers from her alcohol addiction. She learns that life can be difficult, but it can also be rewarding when she takes the time to focus on her goals.

However, over time, the show begins to develop a more personal feel. Characters start to feel like people, and their interactions with one another become more meaningful. The events that take place in the first few episodes are still important, but they no longer serve as the show’s driving force.

Eventually, the plot lines become more complicated and engaging, with the focus on the characters’ personal growth. Where the plot starts as a simple quest to stay sober, it becomes a journey that explores Sam’s character and her growth.

With each episode lasting just over 20 minutes, the showrunners have to cram in a lot of plot into a small amount of time. This has led to some episodes feeling too short and others feeling too long. By letting the show explore more than one or two main plots, the writers can create more interesting and engaging episodes that are easier to follow.

The single drunk female tries this approach multiple times and fails, leaving several characters in relative obscurity and forcing them only through surface-level scenarios.

Several of the actors do their best to save trite plots. Garrick Bernard is always charmingly awkward as James, and Lily Mae Harrington delightfully brash and confident as Felicia. This show has a lot of potential, but it’s hampered by trite plots. ..

Episode “James” is a great example of how well the writing, themes, and character development work on their own. When the comedy-drama hyperfocuses, it more deftly draws compelling and complex themes.

The series begins with a young female protagonist who is struggling with alcoholism. By focusing on her, the series speaks to a specific demographic that is often left out of the conversation about alcoholism.

Second, Single Drunk Female is an honest and realistic portrayal of addiction. Sam’s recovery is real and gritty, with moments of quirky humor that don’t detract from the seriousness of her journey. ..

As Sam begins her journey to recovery, she is an imperfect character that we can root for. Her approach to the challenges on her path makes her an interesting and relatable character to follow. Her development throughout the course of the season is impressive.

Though the Freeform comedy doesn’t always impress, Black-D’Ehlia’s graceful performance as a sympathetic addict and Finch’s meaningful infusion of real-life experiences elevate Single Drunk Female to a better-than-average TV dramedy.

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