Episode Guide

Episode 1 – 5/5 Episode 2 – 4/5 Episode 3 – 4/5 Episode 4 – 3.5/5 Episode 5 – 5/5

Gangs Of London is a show of two halves that starts out great but peters out for the last four episodes. The action sequences are some of the best on television, but the show as a whole is not as exciting as it could be.

The show has potential to be great, but it’s been hampered by some poor writing and acting. Episode 5 in particular is a standout and sets the tone for the rest of the season.

The story is set in the heart of London, in a district known for its gangs and crime. Finn Wallace, the boss of a major gang in London, is shot dead by two nobodies on a hired hit. Sean Wallace takes over the business and sets out to discover who betrayed and killed his Father. Between individual power plays inside the organisation, lots of bad blood and tensions with the Albanian mafia, there’s a volatile cocktail of set-pieces just waiting to be played with.

The wild card in this story is Elliot, a man who works for Finn Wallace and finds himself caught in the middle of a growing war. He uncovers crucial intel and starts to gain Sean’s trust. With a breadcrumb of information that Sean and the others chase, this ultimately leads them on a hunt for the two boys responsible for the vandalism. ..

The second half of the show slows the pace and reveals who is pulling the strings all this time, leaving things wide open for a second season.

Gangs Of London is a gripping show that never lets up. Whether it’s a tense sniper shoot-out down a dingy alleyway or an all-out assault on a safe-house in the middle of Wales, there’s always something exciting going on. The cinematography and gritty violence make this show feel fresh and exciting, making it one of the most captivating TV shows on Netflix right now.

The cast does well in their roles, although at times the dialogue does feel a little contrived and forced. In the moment though, the show is perfectly fine as the action and tension is enough to overshadow this but again, the second half of the show is where this is more noticeable and it does hold the show back slightly. Despite that, the characters themselves are interesting and diverse, with plenty of depth and some great commentary on class too.

Gangs of London is a well-done crime epic that blends graphic violence and big action set pieces with an interesting story surrounding power in London. Despite some issues with the second half of the story, the overall plot does a great job of blending together these elements and making for an enjoyable crime experience. While the plot does lose its way during the second half, there’s enough to like about this one to make it well worth a watch, flaws and all.

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