Episode Guide

Episode 1 – The review score for Episode 2 was 2.5/5 and for Episode 3 it was 2/5. Episode 4 had a review score of 2/5 and Episode 5 had a review score of 2/5.

However, one show that has flown under the radar is the new series, The X-Files. This show is a reboot of the popular 90s show, and it has been met with mixed reviews. Some say that it is a faithful recreation of the original show, while others say that it is a poor imitation. The X-Files has been airing on Fox for six episodes and there are plans to make more. So far, viewership for the show has been low, but this could change as people get to know it better. ..

Netflix’s Chosen is the latest in a long line of shows trying to do just that. Armed with poor dialogue, a terribly written protagonist and some questionable logic, this Danish series is definitely not one to write home about. ..

Middelbo, a small town in upstate New York, is now home to a popular tourist attraction: a meteor that crashed down 17 years ago. Emma, an amateur historian and recent college graduate, is curious about the meteor and starts to investigate its origins. She soon discovers that the town is being haunted by strange signals and that the meteor may be connected to them. Emma must find out what’s going on before it’s too late. ..

Emma quickly teams up with a ragtag group of teen investigators, including Mads, Marie and Elvis. With very thin characterization for them all, Emma engages in some pretty questionable behaviour across the six episodes.

The main conflict in this story is that Emma doesn’t seem to care about the truth or integrity as much as she seems to care about her own interests. She’s constantly trying to manipulate the other characters in order to get what she wants, and it’s not clear why she cares so much about herself rather than the others.

The main reason these characters don’t seem to want to support Chosen is because they don’t know what it is. We never learn what the big bad is, or why they’re after Emma, but the mystery around it is frustratingly unresolved. We’re left with a cliffhanger that could have been answered if only the writers had given us more information.

The dialogue is poor and the plot is basic. Characters are shallow and lack depth. The show happily skips along various different plot beats, one of which so painfully obvious that when the final “twist” arrives, you will have figured it out by the end of episode 1.

The irony here is that Emma is probably the least interesting character of the whole ensemble, but she receives the lion’s share of the screen-time. Marie is a far more complicated and deep player in this game but yet she’s never really given the time to actually grow.

Chosen is a movie that feels like it was made with very little thought or care. It’s a fun, vibrant teen drama that has sci-fi elements, but it’s missing something essential. The movie feels hollow and unfulfilled, which is a real shame.

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