The Real Killer?

Episode 7 of “The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window” begins with Anna being questioned at the police station. Threatening Carol is not a good look, nor is talking to Chastity the day before her murder. However, they’re interrupted by a man arriving to take Anna’s fingerprints, resulting in one of the funnier moments from this series. ..

Anna tells the interviewer how she used to paint dogs in masterpieces until she fell pregnant with Elizabeth. For three full months while bedbound, Anna had a custom easel set up and painted until Elizabeth came, complete with a spattering of paint over her. As we know, Anna stopped painting when Elizabeth passed away.

In the morning, Anna is released on bail after Sloane covers for her. She takes a loan out against the gallery, but doesn’t have an explanation for what’s going on. Anna however, does not have an answer.

Anna is threatened by Neil to stay away from Emma before she hears creaking coming upstairs. When she opens up the attic, a glop of red blood drops to the floor.

Anna rings her therapist and admits that she thinks she may have murdered Chastity. The thing is, this therapist she’s talking to is actually Douglas! ..

Douglas tells her that the blood on her painting is from a stab she took a few nights ago, but it turns out that the blood on the painting is actually from paint dripping from an attic window. Douglas calmly encourages her to head up to the attic while she’s on the phone with him so that they can figure out what to do about it.

This would also explain the “Perfect Family” portrait too, which looks to be another drunken night of painting she’s forgotten about.

Anna realizes that Buell is the killer and that he brought her in from the rain that night. This also helps to explain the creaking noises.

Douglas hired the handyman because he was one of Doulgas’ old clients. He helped rehabilitate Buell, who was released early from state hospital. Originally he had been found criminally insane. His charges? Only murdering his entire family with a claw hammer.

Douglas tells Anna to leave the house, fearing for her safety. As Anna looks out the window, she sees Buell walking purposefully toward Neil’s house. He’s holding a hammer.

The Episode Review

It seems that Buell may have killed for reasons that remain unknown, but it is possible that he has a hidden agenda that we don’t yet understand. What’s more, he has managed to do this without arousing the suspicions of his neighbours. What’s more, his motive remains a mystery.

In the final episode, we’ll likely learn more about what happened with the man who hit his hand. He was acting suspicious and it’s possible he had something to do with it.

The episode is definitely funnier than some of the others, with the first 10 minutes or so being brilliantly done. The fingerprints guy and the custom easel stand out as comedic highlights.

The series has had some good material, but it has felt too long. A six-episode season would have been better to tighten things up and let the jokes flow constantly. ..

The finale of “The 100” leaves plenty of intriguing possibilities for the future. This is left wide open for an explosive finish, which could mean a lot of exciting things for the show’s fans.