The Con Man

In episode 5 of The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window, Rex Anna brings her captive inside her house and forces her to message Douglas to prove that she is safe. After a bit of back and forth, Rex agrees to do just that.

The thing is, Rex believes that Anna is working with Lisa, who he knows as Chastity. As things begin escalating, the police arrive at her door. Not wanting to be seen with Rex, she encourages him to hide in the pantry after he tells her he just wants answers. And of course, that’s what Anna wants too.

Detective Lane issues Anna with a restraining order after she breaks into Neil’s house. Following her breaking into the home, Lane admits that she was lucky to get away with only a few scratches.

Rex reveals that he believes Chastity faked her own death in order to dissuade Rex from coming after her and taking all of Neil’s money. The two of them are con artists, working together and playing the long game. ..

Rex worked as a stripper at a strip club while Chastity worked the bar. She convinced him to get involved in a long con, ripping off different men by convincing them that Rex is her brother and suffering from a rare blood condition, needing money for an experimental procedure. Her targets were all seized upon from the obituary section. And that’s when she met Neil and Emma. Neil was the owner of a funeral home and Emma was his assistant. They fell for her story and decided to help her out with the con. ..

Rex started to get cold feet about the whole ordeal but because Rex’s name is on all the bank accounts, getting out isn’t so easy. Lisa knew this and was using him all this time. And just like that, Anna and Rex hook up. While they do, Carol winds up seeing them by the front door and gasps.

As the episode comes to a close, we cut to the woods where it turns out Lisa is actually dead. Her face is uncovered and a dog begins howling. Lisa’s death has shocked the town and has left everyone on edge.

The Episode Review

This episode continues the trend of lightening up on the satire and leaning into the mystery. However, some long jokes (like the casserole dish smashing) across all the episodes would have been a nice touch just to give this a bit of pizzazz.

Netflix’s latest murder mystery, Stay Close, is not as enjoyable as The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window. While Stay Close is written better than some of the recent murder mysteries, The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window is still an enjoyable read. ..

The suspense is building, leaving many intriguing possibilities for the rest of the season. Who is the killer? What happened to Lisa? And will Anna drop any more casserole dishes? We’ll have to wait and see!