Exorcise this horror from memory immediately

This film is a yawnfest, and if you’re looking for something to keep you entertained for an hour or two, Prey For The Devil is worth a watch. However, if you’re looking for something more than that, it’s best to steer clear.

The horror genre has always been about exploring the dark side of human nature, and Prey For The Devil does a great job of doing so, but its lack of innovation makes it a forgettable experience.

Sister Ann is a nun who has been possessed by a demon for many years. Father Quinn agrees to train her in the art of exorcism so that she can get rid of the demon. However, Sister Ann is not sure if she can do it herself. She needs help from the other nuns in the church to help her with this task.

In a battle to save the soul of a young girl who is now possessed by the same demon that tormented her own mother years ago, Sister Ann finds herself in a spiritual frontline.

Prey for the Devil wastes no time in revealing its twist, which is a letdown after such an intriguing premise. The bulk of the film is spent exploring Sister Ann’s backstory, which only serves to make what was hinted at earlier more clear. ..

The film tries to be something it’s not: a horror movie. It has jump scares, dark and suspenseful scenes with spooky music, and gory violence. But it all comes off as forced and artificial. The characters are cardboard cutouts who never really develop or have any interesting motivations. The only thing that makes the film work is the occasional scene of demonic possession or exorcism, but even then it’s so one-dimensional that it’s hard to take seriously.

Sister Ann disregards all warnings and decides to enact an exorcism without the church’s blessing. The results are devastating. We – as the audience – are basically shown that conformity and following rules are the way forward, otherwise it’ll end up disaster. Not quite the empowering message Prey For The Devil hoped for! And in fact, this just makes the entire ending all the more ludicrous, with a tired adage of “tell don’t show”, thrown up for good measure in a late scramble to give gravitas to our bland lead protagonist.

Prey for the Devil is a poorly made horror film that fails to be scary or empowering. It also has very little mystery and is just a mishmash of mundane influences. ..

Prey for the Devil is a dark and suspenseful novel that tells the story of a group of people who are targeted by a group of evil beings. The beings are known as the devil, and they use their powers to take away people’s lives. The novel is full of action and suspense, and it will keep you on the edge of your seat until the end.

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