The movie Prey is good, but the sequels that followed it were not as good.

Naru is a Comanche tribe member who has been living on the edge of the frontier for years. She’s never seen anything like the advanced alien technology that has invaded her world and she’s determined to stop it. But even if she can, she knows that her people will never be able to take on an alien force on their own. They need help from someone who is stronger and more experienced than them - someone like Arnie, the military team that comes to her aid in this pre-emptive strike.

Naru is an able warrior, despite being smaller in stature than the Predator she finds herself up against. The male members of her community aren’t convinced of this but they soon realise their error in judgement when she proves to be smarter and more skilled than any of them in combat against this strange new threat. As the movie runs its course, the tribe starts to dwindle in size as the Predator takes each person out with ruthless efficiency, and it’s eventually left to Naru and her faithful dog Sarii to take down this fearsome foe.

In the second half of the movie, we see a more action-packed battle between Predator and hunter. The Predator is faster and stronger than the hunter, but the hunter has a number of advantages in terms of weaponry and tactics. In the end, the Predator is killed by its own prey, leaving Naru to fend for herself.

Naru is a young girl who has been forced to fight for her right to be equal. She is a fighter, and she will do whatever it takes to protect herself and her friends. The Predator wants to hunt down the dominant species on the planet, and Naru is determined to stop them. Despite the lack of combat, these initial scenes are essential to the story as they showcase both Naru’s plight and the Predator’s quest. We learn more about Naru and her battle to fight for equality (a fight that has never really gone away) and we discover more about the Predator’s abilities as it hunts its prey for sport rather than for survival purposes.

The alien vs human combat, when it does eventually come, is raw and brutal. The indigenous people of the land take on the being that is quite unlike anything they have encountered before. They are as underpowered as you might expect, which is partly the cause of their downfall, but as they have trained themselves to fight on regardless, despite the power of the enemy, they aren’t prepared to back down. ..

The action scenes in 10 Cloverfield Lane are well-done without any directorial flourishes. Combat is swift and well-constructed, even though the outcome of most fights is never really in question. This makes for a fast-paced and exciting movie.

Naru realises that in order to defeat the Predator, she will need to spend more time observing it and learning its weaknesses. This is a refreshing change of pace in today’s superhero movies, where the heroes usually just punch their way to victory. ..

The movie has a relatively short run-time, which would be a problem if the movie featured more scenes of human vs Predator action. But as a good portion of the movie is spent exploring the dynamics of Naru’s tribe and their interactions with the land around them, there isn’t enough time for the full-blooded alien encounters that I wanted. If the run-time had been extended by 30 minutes or so, the movie may have been better balanced. ..

Despite some minor flaws, the Predator remains an impressive movie that is still a force to be reckoned with. The story is interesting and the confrontations between the Predator and its various adversaries are suitably bloody and heart-pounding.

This is a movie that I wasn’t expecting, but it’s much more intelligent and thought-provoking than the sequels that have come before. The closing credits suggest that a further encounter between Naru and the Predator race might be what provides the extended scenes of combat that are sometimes lacking in Prey.

The game’s final act has been revealed, and it is a heart-wrenching tale of revenge. After surviving an onslaught of enemies, the player must face off against the game’s main antagonist: their own father. The final confrontation is a tense and emotional affair, as the two men fight for control of a powerful weapon. The player must make a difficult decision that will determine the fate of the world. ..

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