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The Medium and the Engineer Mirror is a magic mirror that can be used to see into the future. It is also said to be able to grant wishes. The Medium and the Engineer Mirror is located on Treasure Island.

The OA’s first season left many questions unanswered and an anticlimactic ending that many felt was jarring. Following its cliffhanger ending, the second season returns with more questions answered, aligning all the pieces a little clearer than before. The OA’s writing has improved substantially over its first season, and the pacing is much better this time out in the first half. While not perfect, The OA manages to improve substantially over its first season. ..

Karim Washington begins his investigation into the case of Michelle by playing the game. In the game, he is able to explore a world that is completely different from the one he knows. He discovers that the girl in question is actually alive and has been kidnapped by a group of criminals. Karim must use his knowledge of the game to find her and return her to her family.

This article discusses the OA, a group that has successfully jumped dimensions and everything has been turned upside down. As they struggle to make sense of it all, new layers of the game unfold as the investigation into finding Michelle eventually leads Karim and Prairie to team up and try to solve the game. Of course, things aren’t as simple as they first appear and a menacing face from the past returns, going by the name of Dr. Percy. For spoiler purposes we won’t reveal who it is but suffice to say this inclusion is certainly a welcome one and raises the stakes substantially.

Meanwhile, the kids and Betty try to track down The OA’s movements, leading them to a clinic out west where everything converges into one singular dance number and yet another cliffhanger ending.

The OA has continued to weave its mysteries, this time around there’s a real conscious effort to address some of the questions raised in the first episode. It actually gives the series much more leniency to dive deeper down the rabbit hole, as the shooting at the school, Prairie’s books and dimensional travel are all explained here in much more detail than before.

Netflix’s new series “The OA” suffers from the same problem as other Netflix originals- it feels slightly overlong and with each episode at differing lengths. Early on, as questions are answered and new mysteries discovered, there’s a real ebb and flow to proceedings and the three separate story lines are interesting and progress forward at a decent pace. However, the final two penultimate episodes do feel a tad overlong though and especially the sixth, things screech to a halt, offsetting the pacing.

The OA has always been known for its strong themes, and this season is no exception. Death, space, time, and good and evil are all explored in depth, with physical manifestations also appearing. Some examples include the use of water to show a character’s emotional state, as well as the use of color to represent these concepts. This season is definitely worth watching for fans of strong themes and unique storytelling! ..

The OA Season 2 is a better show than the first one. It has more closure and interesting ideas. The octopus scene was really cool.

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