
Chan-Young is informed of her stage 4 cancer diagnosis and begins to feel overwhelmed. She is devastated that she has to face this disease head on and knows that there is no one who can help her. She decides to seek out help from a professional cancer therapist.

Chan-Young vehemently declines to have chemotherapy, citing the 0.8% chance of survival even if it is successful. However, even if she does not undergo chemotherapy, there is a 0.8% chance she will survive for six months. ..

Mi-Jo and Chan-Young fall out in the hallway of the hospital, broken up by Joo-hee phoning excitedly, revealing she’s come fourth in the lottery and that they should meet for drinks. Joo-Hee even rings Hyun-Joon too and tells him about it.

Chan-Young decides not to tell Joo-Hee about this. It’s awkward though, especially when Jo-Hee questions why Chan-Young isn’t drinking.

Mi-Jo tells her friend that he has six months to live, and the two of them start to prepare for his death. ..

Mi-Jo and Seon-U hug at the clinic after hearing the news of Mi-Hyun’s death. Mi-Hyun sees them and leaves quietly. ..

Mi-Jo’s parents find out that she is dating a man and they are curious about him. Mi-Jo’s father even makes up an excuse to see him in person, believing that they are serious. ..

Sun-Joo decides to stay with Jin-Seok, despite the fact that he is going to take custody of her son. Sun-Joo is determined to raise Ju-Won herself, despite the fact that Jin-Seok doesn’t want her to.

Chan-Young and Mi-Jo go for a drive together. Mi-Jo is still unhappy with her friend refusing to get treatment and eventually she decides to get a cab home.

Jin-Seok is already at her place when Joo-Hee shows with some food. Naturally, Joo-Hee decides to leave and in doing so, rings Mi-Jo, admitting she’s feeling tired and will just go home.

Joo-Hee doesn’t think that Hyun-Joon should go to the bar with her, because she doesn’t think he deserves to be there. Hyun-Joon, on the other hand, thinks that Joo-Hee is worth going to the bar with and reveals why she’s so sad and torn up.

Chan-Young and Hyun-Joon are drinking and discussing their relationship. Hyun-Joon suggests they meet up more frequently, without using honorifics. In exchange for her talking about Chan-Young, he’ll discuss his girlfriend and their woes.

The woman tells the man that she loves him and he tells her that he loves her too. They share a touching chat in which they share their feelings for one another. This chat shows the potential for future romance between these two people.

Mi-Jo heads home, where she finds Seon-U there with games and a cooking dish. Mi-Jo even manages to smile a little. ..

Chan-Young learns that Jin-Seok is getting a divorce and implores him not to. At least not for her sake. ..

Ju-Won and Jin-Seok share a bond that is stronger than either of them could have imagined. Despite their differences, they are both determined to raise each other and take responsibility for their own lives.

Chan-Young, the singer and actress, revealed on Instagram that she has cancer. This absolutely devastates Jin-Seok, who starts crying and breaks down in front of her, uttering “Why you?” ..

Mi-Jo tells her family she won’t be going to the States and will be staying with her sister and parents. After hearing this, their reactions are devastating.

Mi-Jo and Joo-Hee head over to see Chan-Young, who reveals that she’s shredded her lottery ticket. Given how much luck that’s brought her, she’s going to try and project that luck onto Chan-Young so she can live for four more years.

Mi-Jo turns to Chan-Young and tells her that she wants her to be the happiest terminally ill person ever.

The three friends went to the club together and eventually started dancing. When they eventually left, they were all drunk and stumbling. They bumped into Seon-U who tried to drag So-Won out of the club because she was working there. ..

The episode comes to a close as he locks eyes with Mi-Jo across the street. ..

The Episode Review

Chan-Young’s illness has spread to all our central characters in a emotional chapter. Thirty Nine bows out with the news, leaving us with a sad and farewell chapter.

This novel has a lot of poignancy as several characters illicit a really heart-wrenching reaction. Jin-Seok in particular, breaking down the way he does, is a really touching moment.

The episode “Late” is heartbreaking as Joo-Hee shreds her lottery ticket. This is one of those episodes that will tug at your heartstrings. ..

Yesterday’s chapter was a bit of a letdown, as we didn’t get the emotional weight of these characters dealing with Chan-Young’s terminal illness. This time around, we really get the emotional weight of these characters as they deal with Chan-Young’s illness.

That’s a big part of this drama of course and I’m sure there’s going to be more sad moments in the episodes ahead. For now though, “Thirty Nine” delivers a decent episode. ..