Something I Had Never Thought Of

Chan-Young and Mi-Jo are discussing how they’re feeling about the funerals that are scheduled for the following day. They both feel very sad and regretful for what they’re going to do. Chan-Young says that she doesn’t want to go but Mi-Jo tells her that she has to because she’s a part of the family. Chan-Young is hesitant but Mi-Jo convinces her that it’s the right thing to do.

Mi-Jo is still reeling from Chan-Young’s diagnosis. Seon-u drives her to Chan-Young’s place, but as she waits outside, she overhears her friend being grilled over her previous ties with Jin-Seok. Seon-Ju calls her pathetic and that’s enough for Mi-Jo to jump in and stick up for her friend. ..

After slapping her in the face, Seon-Ju promises she’ll pay for it and immediately calls the police, claiming assault.

Mi-Jo doesn’t deny what she’s done at the station as she continues to stew over the slap. Jin-Seok eventually shuffles in and promises he’ll sort this out but when Mi-Jo spots him, she leaves. She’s still blaming him for the diagnosis.

Jin-Seok confronts Seon-U and demands she drop the charges. Chan-Young heads out with Seon-u and quizzes him over Mi-Jo’s actions and why she’s so torn up. For now though, he’s in the dark over her behaviour.

Mi-Jo’s sister can sense something up with her sibling. Mi-Jo shrugs it off and begins searching online instead. Seon-U shows up with some spicy food for her though, determined to cheer her up.

It doesn’t seem to work and instead, Mi-Jo meets with Joo-Hee after work. She vents about her frustrations about Chan-Young – and the assault charge leveled against her.

Mi-Jo is bothered by Chan-Young’s nonchalance about the situation. She keeps Chan-Young’s diagnosis to herself, but she almost tells Joo-Hee.

Joo-Hee leaves the restaurant, drunk and ranty. Hyun-Joon is bemused by her behaviour.

Joo-Hee struggles to pay her rent, slapping down her food waste disposal card. When Hyun-Joon heads out after her, she eventually gets in the elevator without paying, calling out Hyun-Joon as a thief. He’s completely incredulous to the whole affair and watches her leave.

Meanwhile, Seon-U meets up with Mi-Jo again and after running together, finally admits to him that Chan-Young has stage four pancreatic cancer. She also reveals the truth about Chan-Young and Jin-Seok’s estranged relationship. ..

Chan-Young is out of town over the weekend and Mi-Jo, feeling bad for her, asks if she can meet for dinner to apologize.

Mi-Jo is preparing for a difficult evening when she sees Joo-hee arrive at the restaurant. Hyun-Joon gives her a grilling and admits that she reminds him of his elder sister, who is 42. Joo-Hee comments on how she’s under 40 and takes offence to his comment.

Mi-Jo heads over to her friend’s house to check on them after receiving a CT scan. She tries to be positive and encourage Chan-Young, but her words betray her feelings. Eventually they both sit in silence, each with their own thoughts. ..

The Episode Review

I love the cast of this K-drama. There are so many big names in this and the trio of ladies at the center of this drama have such great chemistry together. It’s just a shame that the script they’re given to work with is so poor. ..

This chapter feels like a waste of time, as there is no real plot development to be found.

The cast of characters around that savior Seon-U don’t really help him out either. He’s not very good at getting along with people and he doesn’t seem to have a lot of chemistry with anyone.

The soundtrack and the ideas in this series are strong, but there are some cracks beginning to form in the foundation. Let’s hope tomorrow’s follow-up improves on these issues. ..