Episode Guide

Habibi, welcome to Dubai Rumor. Our rumor mill is closed for the season, but we do have some interesting news. It seems that the love season is ticking time bomb and sail away too late? Hitched.

The show follows the lives of a select few people who have made a name for themselves in the city, from businessmen and politicians to models and celebrities. It’s an interesting take on the lifestyle, and it definitely gives you a different perspective on things.

The first episode is slow-paced and sets the scene for the rest of the series. It introduces you to Dubai and some of the characters in the show. The introduction to characters and drama is always high in this show. ..

The group of social media influencers, models, radio stars, and entrepreneurs were all thrown into the lion’s den of Dubai’s social media scene. Joining Farhana Abodi, DJ Bliss, Loujain Adada, Kris Fade, Diva Dee, Ebraheem, Safa Siddiqui, and Lojain Omran were Brianna (DJ Bliss’ wife), Zeina Khoury (CEO of Highmark Real Estate), Diva Dee (DJ Bliss’ wife), and Lojain Omran (TV show host). ..

The Real Housewives of Dubai is a reality TV show that aired on UAE television. It is about the lives of wealthy women who live in the UAE. The show has a lot of drama and it is smeared with a veneer that feels eerily similar to Real Housewives of Dubai, which aired earlier this year. Both shows are all about the drama, with a smattering of showy wealth for good measure.

Netflix’s new reality show, Sunset, is really starting to set the standard for the genre. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it right? But then at the same time, there’s an air of pretentiousness hanging over Dubai Bling and I guess with a title like that, it’s to be expected. Sure, it’s nice looking at the pretty things and kicking back and watching the ugly fights but underneath all that this is just another reality show with the same cliched premise.

The show is not bad per se, but its ostentatious manner may be too much for some viewers. The central theme of wealth and money may be a step too far for the masses.

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