
In episode 22 of Attack on Titan Season 4, the Titans march towards Eren and Gabby. Gabby sets out to find Falco, but is unsuccessful. With Reiner giving up, Gabby refuses to succumb to the same fate.

Eren and the others watch as the Titans march from the rooftops. This is a mass genocide on an unprecedented level.

Eren’s group of friends decide to jump into the fray to save their comrades, but they quickly realize that Titans are attacking them. They contemplate whether or not to fight, but decide against it and leave the battlefield.

Conny, a Titan, snatched up Falco and flew off in an attempt to feed it to his mother. The others tried in vain to stop him but the Titan threat was a frustrating distraction. Eventually, they lost Conny.

In the streets, Gabby jumps into the Titan action too. With an anti-titan gun cocked and loaded, Kaya looks to meet certain doom as a Titan corners her.

Gabby jumps in and saves the day. Kaya looks up, confused, she believes it’s her sister Sasha until her image fades and materializes into Gabby. It’s a nice way to redeem her character from what took place earlier in the season with Sasha.

The other townsfolk there protect her too, shielding Gabby from the soldiers hovering above on the rooftops. They don’t compromise her, given she saved their lives.

Meanwhile, Commander Shadis rallies the troops and brings in all the extra soldiers to thwart the growing Titan threat. One among the Titans rampaging happens to be the turned Pyxis too, and there’s a really nice moment as the gang reflect on how far they’ve come up until this point.

After the Titans were defeated, the group reflected on what had happened. Gabby arrived before Mikasa, Armin, and the others and begged for Falco’s life. She dropped to her knees and pleaded with Armin to try and stop the unthinkable from happening. Unfortunately, Conny had gone and Falco’s fate was unknown right now. ..

Gabrielle mentions Reiner and how his hardening has stopped, a cold shiver running down Armin’s spine. After all, if the hardening has stopped then that means… yep, Annie is back. Oh my god! ..

The Episode Review

However, the plan is met with resistance from some on the front lines, who believe that Eren is too reckless and could lead to a world war. The episode ends with Eren finally coming to terms with his goals and deciding to take action.

The ending of “Eren: The Last Man” is a powerful and emotional scene that is testament to the great work done to develop Gabi’s character. Gabi is on her knees begging Armin to try and stop Eren, and it shows how much she cares for him.

Some fans will hate her for killing Sasha, but the thing is, she’s also been a product of propaganda. Now that she’s seeing the true horror of what this means, she just wants to try and stop it. ..

Annie’s return to the show has left many fans eager to find out what happens next. However, the ending involving her could change everything. It’s been a long time since we saw her and now it looks like this conflict is about to get a whole lot more interesting.

The door is left wide open for the rest of the season now and next week looks to be an unmissable episode!