Falls Short Of The Mark

Despite an animated young cast and some genuinely witty dialogue, Tall Girl 2 falls short of the mark. The story is slow to develop and the characters are one-dimensional. There is also a lack of excitement or suspense throughout the film.

Netflix’s latest original teen feature, Tall Girl 2, reintroduces audiences to Jodi Kreyman played by Dance Moms alumni Ava Michelle; a syrup-sweet, all-American sixteen-year-old who happens to be six foot tall. But this time, she’s owning every inch. Jodi is a refreshing change of pace from the norm and her story is sure to keep viewers entertained.

Jodi’s story continues as she deals with the aftermath of her speech, the new popularity she’s enjoying, and the challenges of growing up tall. She learns to accept herself for who she is, and to love and be loved for who she is. Along the way, she makes new friends and discovers her true passions - dancing and fashion.

Tommy and Jodi’s relationship is complicated by their new confidence. Will they be able to overcome their anxiety and make it work for both of them?

Netflix’s quarterly report on Tall Girl (2019) reveals that the show was watched by 41 million households within the first month of streaming. This is almost two-thirds as many viewers as the 2020 phenomenon Tiger King.

Many viewers were not fans of the film, feeling that it was unrealistic and tone-deaf to conflate tallness with social inequality. The New York Times suggested “many viewers might not feel much empathy for the small-minded grievances of wealthy teens who drive to school in S.U.V.’s.” – or in the words one commentator, “Calm down Jodi, you’re just tall.”

Tall Girl 2 avoids this criticism by having Jodi move past her tall girl woes. When a curious bystander comments Jodi must be “What-six-two, six three?” the teen simply smiles, though “three months ago that would have really bothered you” marvels Dunkleman (the voice of exposition.) Unfortunately, this leaves the sequel with the barest of plots. Jodi may still be 6.1 in height, but the stakes couldn’t be lower. ..

The film’s conflict revolves around an amateur production of Guys and Dolls, which is why the main focus of the story is on the characters and their struggle to make it through.

Despite the weak plot, Tall Girl 2 has some great charms. The cast has great chemistry and boasts an array of enjoyable performances, particularly those of Angela Kinsey and Steve Zahn as Jodi’s loving, if eccentric, mother and father. In fact, it’s only Ava Michelle who appears to be lacking charisma and comes across as somewhat flat in many scenes. Then again, an actress can only work with the material she’s given. Meryl Streep herself would struggle to inject life into such a one-note, vanilla character.

The film contains some genuinely funny dialogue. For the most part, the humour is more High School Musical than Mean Girls. However, enjoyment of Tall Girl 2 requires a high tolerance for cheesiness.

It seems like a lot of people are interested in this Tall Girl 2 project. Some people seem to love it, while others find it creepy and weird. We wanted to know what you think about it, so we asked you a question: do you like the idea of a teenage boy carrying a milkcrate around? If so, do you think he should be allowed to do it?

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