Shattered Glass

The first episode of Moon Knight begins with a shadowy man shattering a glass inside a cloth. The shards of glass are emptied into his shoes, which he proceeds to put on and walk across the room. ..

Steven is introduced to us as a former U.S. Marine who lives alone and chains himself to the bed every night, complete with sand on the floor. This scene eventually paves way for us to learn more about Steven and his motivations for doing so. ..

Gus is a one-finned goldfish who works at the British History Museum. He’s always tardy and erratic, and his only company comes from his fish, Gus. Gus wants to be a tour guide but his constant tardiness and erratic demeanour are doing him no favours. He’s an outsider, but he knows a lot about Egypt (that’ll be important later).

Steven wakes up in a field, and before he knows it, he’s being shot at by strange men. He doesn’t know who these people are, or why they’re shooting at him, but he knows that he has to let Marc take control. Marc is a powerful man, and Steven knows that if he can get him to the safety of the city, then everything will be alright.

In the nearby town, a man walks past with glass in his shoes. He is Arthur, their sort of spiritual leader, and he greets the villagers. He tells them that he intends to make this place as much like Heaven as it can. Then he murders a woman.

Arthur lays his eyes on Steven and demands he hand over the strange Egyptian scarab in his possession. The guards surrounding Steven are momentarily distracted, giving Marc Spector the opportunity to take control. ..

Steven takes a cupcake van and charges down the road away from a whole bunch of black vans in pursuit.

Steven blacking out and then waking up in his apartment two days later is a slick scene that cuts back and forth between Steven and the soldiers being dispatched. Eventually, Steven wakes up back in his apartment with two fins for some reason. Gus now has two dates with Dylan, given it was two days ago.

Steven notices scratches on the living room floor and investigates. He finds a phone hidden in a secret area and numerous missed calls from someone called Layla (and one from Duchamp). It seems that he’s been living a double life. ..

Steven is having a hard time distinguishing between reality and his alter-ego’s warnings. He’s seeing Egyptian Gods all over the place and blackouts are getting worse. Not only that, Arthur is on the hunt too.

Arthur knows about Steven’s plight, seemingly knowing all about the voices inside his head. As he looks deep into Steven’s eyes and places that familiar hammer down between his forearms, Arthur comments that there’s “chaos in you.”

Steven turns into Moon Knight to save Arthur from the jackal, who is growling and snarling. Marc urges Steven to let him take control, and with the jackal banging against the metal, Steven does just that.

In a recent issue of Marvel Comics, we get our first look at Moon Knight, complete with glowing white eyes and a white robe.

The Episode Review

Marvel’s new superhero series, Moon Knight, is a great addition to the genre and Oscar Isaac is perfect for the role. The opening chapter sets up the story nicely for the rest of the season, with plenty of action and suspense to keep fans on their toes.

The blackout moments, with slick edits to show the aftermath of bloody action, are a way to introduce the alter-ego of Marc and one of the more creative elements of this show.

This is a standard superhero movie, with the tone being the biggest deterrent thus far. There’s a lot of comedy and typical Marvel hallmarks, which feels in direct contrast to moments involving blood and crunching in glass-shoes.

Marvel’s latest release, Moon Knight, is a departure from the Punisher and Daredevil series that fans are used to. While those looking for more of the same will enjoy it, others may be disappointed. The coming chapters will tell us whether this is a series that fans of Marvel will enjoy or not. ..