To Die For

In the fourth episode of The Rookie, the FBI takes over the case of Rosalind after she is shot. Garza confirms her death and shares a picture of the man they believe to be her accomplice, Jeffrey Boyle. The police believe that this man has killed at least three people under an alias. ..

The team decides to divide and conquer, Carter and Simone head to the morgue to talk to the M.E about the victim Lopez and Harper found in the last trap. Laura and Brendon decide to investigate the trap he made for Bailey to come up with a profile on the suspect. They run into Bradford from The Rookie who is sceptical of Laura’s profiling. Later, they are joined by Mark, Laura’s former partner. He doesn’t agree with Laura’s profile on the suspect and they keep on bickering about who is right or wrong.

Carter and Simone learn the identity of the last victim and they visit her roommate who tells them that Sadie had met a new guy at the University library who shared her interest in gothic architecture. He gave her a rare book and they are able to learn Jeff’s real identity after lifting fingerprints from the book.

Eli Reynold is a young man who was born in Denver, Colorado. He was taken into custody by the police after his father lied to them about his past. After questioning his dad, they soon discover that he used to torture Eli as a way to toughen him up. I don’t think he will be winning the best dad award any time soon.

The three friends spent the night in Denver waiting for new leads in their investigation. Simone, being the nosy friend that she is, couldn’t help but give advice to Laura and Carter. Carter was going through a divorce and Simone tried to motivate him to get back into the game. Is it too soon for him to be thinking about getting back together? ..

On the one hand, Laura advises her friend, Jane, to be honest about how she feels about her old partner Mark. Jane takes Laura’s advice and makes a point to apologize to Mark for leaving the way she did. Apparently she just up and left without as much as a goodbye .  They end up sleeping together but Jane is still healing from the betrayal of her fiancé and doesn’t want a serious relationship. Mark understands this and is okay with being friends with benefits. ..

Meanwhile, Eli is hunting for a new victim at a scrap yard and he meets Mia who is an artist. They bond over that and he invites her back to his place. He flirts with her until she makes a move to leave. He overpowers her and puts her in a heat chamber where she slowly begins to burn from the heat. He is a messed-up psychopath for sure! ..

The team is getting close to finding Eli and his new victim, but they are running out of time. ..

Brendon tracks down the car Eli was driving using the videos from the security cameras at the scrap yard. They find him in a secluded rental house but unfortunately, Mark gets hurt by one of the booby traps Eli set. Eli tries to escape and Simone pursues him. He attacks her but Laura arrives just in time to save her.

The Episode Review

I was disappointed in this episode because I felt like it was a waste of time and energy to promote a crossover event that didn’t actually happen. The only person we saw from The Rookie was Bradford for at least 75 seconds, which didn’t make much of a difference. Overall, the episode delivered but I wasn’t impressed by the hype surrounding it.

Laura may not be ready to be in a serious relationship, but I think she and Mark have great chemistry. I hope they can evolve their relationship as time goes by.

It is nice to see Carter and Garza start a bromance as they bond over the pain of divorce. Hopefully Carter will make it through this hard time, and be able to find a balance between work and parenting so he can be there for his son.