Jackie helps the crew break into the scrapyard so they can steal Kenny Boy’s car. To their surprise, however, Kenny is more than happy to lend it to them. He tells Elora to pay what she owes when the time is right.

Elora promises to Jackie that they’ll be back, and the Rez Dogs take off. It’s a long car ride to LA, but they fill the time partially by teasing Elora. In his letter, Daniel detailed his feelings for her. ..

Elora insists that this trip is about her and her friends doing something for Daniel, who can’t. ..

The group decides to go to the ocean and put Daniel’s letter adrift. The ocean is something Daniel always wanted to see. This way, he can actually be a part of it.

What happens to the Rez Dogs in LA?

They arrive in LA and stop in a restaurant. They later realize they left their stash of money in the car, so Willie Jack goes out to get it. But the car is gone–along with the money and Daniel’s letter.

The group can’t report the vehicle unless they want to be arrested and brought home. And Bear tries calling his dad, but discovers the number is disconnected. ..

A man in robes shows up (the Rez Dogs dub him “White Jesus”) and offers to lead them to the beach. As it’s ten miles away, they don’t make it before nightfall and end up camping with a group of homeless people. ..

Elora and Cheese stand watch together, talking about Daniel. Daniel was their hero, they both say. He could do anything, and they think the same about her. Elora simply knows what to do in times of trouble.

Elora disagrees with Cheese. She doesn’t know what to do right now, for example. “If anyone could make it out,” Cheese insists,” it’d be you.”

Do the Rez Dogs make it to the beach?

They walk towards the crashing waves, finally hearing the sound of them. Together, they make their way to the water.

A flashback shows us a funeral. Willie Jack, Bear, and Cheese sit together. Elora isn’t present, but for a moment, one might think she’s the one who died–if something went terribly wrong in LA. But she’s outside, mourning Daniel alone. ..

Elora won’t take off her shoes like the others. “I know what we came here to do, but I don’t want to let him go,” she tells Bear.

Elora and Bear take off their clothes and join forces to relieve the pain from Daniel. They say they won’t be stuck anymore if they let go of the pain. Daniel would want them to live their lives.

How does Reservation Dogs Season 2 end?

The group of friends stand together, each pledging to remember and support one another in the aftermath of a devastating tragedy. Cheese admits that he’s been mad at Daniel for not being with them to make things right, and Bear says he’s lost his best friend. Elora pledges to keep hope alive in the face of such a loss. “You’re our brother,” Cheese says, promising they’ll remember him fondly. “We just hope we’re doing the right thing.”

After walking for hours through the hot, humid jungle, the two hikers finally reach a river. They take a moment to catch their breath and drink from their water bottles before continuing on. As they walk into the river, they hug each other tightly and say “We did it!” Suddenly, Daniel’s spirit appears next to them and joins in the hug. When they part, Daniel is gone. ..

Elora wants to find the car. Willie Jack says he knows someone who can help them find the car. ..

“I’m not going back,” Bear says. He starts walking along the shore. Elora, Willie Jack, and Cheese follow.

The Episode Review

This season’s hit show Reservation Dogs has been praised for its well-crafted Indigenous stories. Creator and writer Sterlin Harjo and writer Taika Waititi have carefully crafted each episode this season with multiple Indigenous writers.

The anthology, “Reservation Life,” features a variety of deeply affecting stories that all work together to convey cohesive themes of love, loss, and the inequities and challenges of reservation life. ..

In the season finale of season 1, the Rez Dogs were not ready to leave. They still had things to learn from each other, from the elders in their community, from Daniel’s memory, and from themselves. At the end of season 2, they’ve learned much to be able to finally come together again.

The Rez Dogs have finally come to terms with the loss of Daniel. In a beautiful conclusion for the foursome, they are ready to let go of the pain from his death. But that doesn’t mean things are perfect. All four may have a newfound gratitude for the reservation, but they also have plenty of reasons to want different lives for themselves. The question remains, then: What will the Rez Dogs do next? ..