So Much To Say

Helen is excited to help Isaac find his birth parents. She’s from Serenity, and she’s excited to help him find them.

Isaac did a home DNA kit several years ago but he’s had no matches thus far. He was born in Mississippi and with that info, Helen decides to have him fill out some forms to help them.

Kyle returns home, but he’s not best pleased about staying downstairs.

At school, the coach encourages Ty to show up at state regardless of if he’s playing or not. Even though he won’t be able to play, it would be a big boost for the team as he can lead them from the sidelines. When Maddie finds out, she’s not exactly pleased but Ty reassures her, claiming it’s better off if he stays in Serenity. But is that really what he thinks?

Dana apologizes for running off and the pair all have a group hug. In fact, they all share gifts which happen to be magnolias. Because of course, they’re known as the sweet magnolias. (Hey, that’s the name of the TV show!) Anyway, when Dana finds out Helen is pregnant, she’s shocked.

Dana has a business loan that she needs to get, but she’s also worried about her divorce and the impact it will have on her restaurant. She needs Ronnie’s signature on a second mortgage in order not to lose the restaurant.

Although Ronnie agrees, deciding it would be best for him to move in too (for Annie? Yeah right.) his flirtatious attitude speaks volumes. Anyway, the pair do eventually shake hands. Presumably anyway, Dana is left hanging when the scene cuts.

Dana decides not to tell her partner what’s really going on and instead says she needs to go. This makes the situation even more awkward because Cal shows up at the bar and offers to buy out her partner. Dana agrees, but decides against telling him what’s really going on. Namely that involving Ronnie and his offer, instead claiming she needs to go.

Dana goes back into Jeremy’s arms and they continue kissing passionately. There is a tsunami of emotion going on in Dana’s life and she admits that she is not ready to settle down just yet. ..

Ty Maddox, a high school senior, tells his coach that he is not going to compete in the state championships. Ty has spoken to his girlfriend and there is no way for him to change his mind. However, the tension between Ty and Jackson continues to simmer especially when Jackson is seen in the hallway. ..

Kyle has been in a sour mood since he returned from the hospital. After lashing out at Maddie, she has trouble getting through to him. ..

Helen’s search for the records of her ancestor, Mississippi, leads her to a more difficult challenge than she had anticipated. Isaac, her ancestor’s son, is devastated by the news and Helen begins to question why this is so important to him.

Isaac is a character on Reddit who wants to know who’s looking back at him in the mirror. This season, Isaac will be trying to figure out who is looking back at him and why.

Anyway, the next day, Dana and Helen go to work and Maddie is at home with Tyler. Maddie is excited to see her friends but she’s also nervous about what’s going to happen. She knows that Dana and Helen are going to be there for her but she doesn’t know what’s going to happen between them.

As the episode comes to a close, Maddie makes a big decision for Kyle and insists he see a therapist. It’s non-negotiable, too. When she leaves, Kyle rings someone - it’s not clear who but it’s a big point to note. At the same time, Helen receives a call from Ryan but she decides whether to pick up or not. ..

The Episode Review

The second episode of Sweet Magnolias slows the pace down as we see our characters just going about their day to day lives, much like the first season. In this episode, we see our main characters, Flora and Fenton, go about their everyday lives. We learn more about them and their relationship with each other. We also get a new perspective on the case that is being investigated by the police.

The big talking point here is Helen’s pregnancy, although there are also the issues of Dana and Cal’s business partnership. That’s likely to cause some drama down the line, while Maddie carrying Kyle off to therapy is likely to bring up more contempt from him toward his mother.

The book’s main focus is on the relationships between its characters, and while Sweet Magnolias does have some interesting plot points, it ultimately feels like a more subdued and less exciting read than its predecessor.

Despite the early days, there is sure to be drama in the chapters ahead. ..