Feast of St Francis

Episode 4 of Somebody Somewhere begins with Joel blessing animals. It’s an amusing scene, but as the sun beats down, he ends up with a nasty case of sunburn. ..

At the dinner table, Sam speaks to her husband, Ed. They are both concerned about the farm. The state of the house shows how mentally unstable Ed is. ..

Ed has been struggling since MJ’s death. He’s also feeling a little vulnerable since MJ died.

Ed is worried that MJ will fall madly in love with someone else while in rehab or, worse, she’ll realize she can do better and leave him. Sam reassures her dad that’s not what’s going to happen but it does help explain his thinking.

Fred tells Sam that he can get her a job on his farm for free if she is willing to do some extra work. Sam is hesitant at first, but after talking with Fred she decides that it would be a good opportunity for her to learn more about the farm and the business. She agrees to do the extra work and gets a job on the farm.

On Sam’s way home, she sees Rick and his truck. At the corner, she confronts him about dealing drugs. He admits that’s exactly what he’s doing and Rick throws his hands up in apology. He urges Sam to keep this to herself.

Rick has been caught by the police and is being held in jail. Joel, who is now a minister, comes to visit him and they share a passionate kiss.

The Episode Review

This week’s episode is more focused on the characters and their struggles, rather than the jokes. We see a little more development with Ed and Sam, as well as Joel’s choices. However, there is still no real resolution to the mystery at hand.

The scene where Sam takes home a stranger after getting drunk is strange, but it doesn’t play a big role in the story.

Meanwhile, the show’s issues involving Rick are the closest thing to an overarching storyline right now as Sam’s “big fish in a little pond” subplot seems to have dematerialized completely. ..

In the next few chapters, things should pick up. However, this one feels like a step back.