The Crossing

Elsa reflects on their journey so far. The further west they travel, the more the rules and customs they’ve been bound by become a burden. This is the Wild West after all, and Elsa quickly realizes she’s not dressed appropriately for it. So naturally she trades gold for some trousers and begins to dress the part.

The large, unforgiving river continues to be a big obstacle here, and our lead group – Shea, Thomas, Josef, Grady, and James – all discuss crossing and what sacrifices that may entail.

James agrees to help ferry people across, agreeing to wait until the water heats up in order to make an easier passage. When Shea calls James a farmer, he immediately curses him out and reminds him that’s not what he is. The thing is, talking back is becoming contagious with others in the group starting to follow suit. This is something Shea is quick to point out to Thomas in confidence. ..

The other important point here is that once everyone crosses the river there’s no way back. While Shea admits the unknown is what scares him, Thomas is quick to put that into perspective, pointing out he’s never been whipped like Thomas has. Now THAT is worth fearing. ..

James decides to move the wagon across the water in the dead of night, ahead of everyone else. He heads out to tell Elsa, but while she’s singing, Ennis shows up and kisses her. Unfortunately this happens right in front of James. ..

Elsa and James have been getting along well, but Elsa is worried about her mother. Margaret seems to be getting along well with James, but Elsa knows that her mother is still wary of men. ..

The water is deep and Margaret is worried (although she claims not to be), especially when she sees James struggling to control his horse and make it to the other side. When the time comes, she does manage to move the wagon across without any complications – but they’re experienced travelers. The others? Not so much, and that’s where the worry stems.

Shea had been fighting for days on end and his body was tired. He was in the middle of a battle and he saw his comrades getting shot down. Then, he woke up in the middle of the night and was breathing heavily. Thomas said that this had never happened before with Shea. ..

James crosses the river to help the others, but warns them that the water is high and fast. They need to unload any unnecessary gear to make the crossing. ..

Shea, the leader of the wagon train, is upset when he finds unnecessary gear in all of their wagons. He tells the riders that if they don’t unload what’s not needed, he will burn their wagons down. ..

In the wake of this, the ground is left covered in relics of all kind. Tables, chairs, cabinets and musical instruments are all left untouched.

Elsa soon shows up with Ennis and Wade in their absence, marveling at this wooden graveyard. When she happens upon the piano, Ennis encourages her to play like she used to. So naturally she plays Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven.

As the song plays, we cut back to the river as we see snippets of the harsh, perilous journey across the deep river. Elsa continues to play, struggling to hold back sobs. Following this song, they continue on, crossing the river where a lowly wagon, trinkets and dead bodies show the significant struggle it’s been to cross. This has been a difficult journey, and as it goes on the more our characters realize that the land will never love them back. ..

The Episode Review

The music in 1883 is a major factor in the success of this show. The familiar medley that’s played throughout the series is used perfectly in a number of different scenarios.

The music in this film is both beautiful and harrowing. The strings used to accentuate the tension and how difficult this journey is are so well done. By comparison, the quiet, understated strings while Elsa and Ennis are kissing under the moonlight show the other side of this expansive soundtrack.

That’s to say nothing of Shea’s dreams, which complete mutes the music and allows the visuals to do the talking.

This is a story that will stay with you long after the curtain falls. It’s a slow burner, but it’s sure to keep you entertained from beginning to end.

1883 is a show that’s been on the rise this year, and it’s definitely worth your time. It’s a beautiful slice of western drama that’s turning into an absolute must-watch this year.