Just Friends

Ji-Ung reflects on his past, specifically his hidden plan to not get involved with Yeon-Su and remain determined not to interfere with Choi Ung and Yeon-Su’s growing romance.

He tried to meet other people and move on but when Yeon-Su appeared in front of him again, all those years later, his carefully crafted plan crumbled. In fact, Ji-Ung now questions whether he even needs a plan anymore, given Choi-ung and Yeon-Su aren’t together. At least, that’s what he thinks anyway. He has no knowledge of the kiss.

Since their big kiss in the rain, Yeon-Su and her coworkers have been struggling to concentrate at work. For five days, since she returned from her weekend break, they’ve all been distracted. And they’re not the only ones – Yeon-Su’s boss has also been having trouble focusing. ..

Choi-Ung and Yeon-Su are both feeling overwhelmed by their recent interactions. They’re both trying to understand why they feel this way and how to fix things.

Ji-Ung continues to push the boundaries by messaging Yeon-Su with a cheeky video of her in the rain. It starts a conversation, but when he asks if Yeon-Su has had dinner, he doesn’t get a reply. Ji-Ung took a hint from Yeon-Su and didn’t send another message.

Yeon-Su goes to Sol-Yi’s bar and stabs her chicken meal thoughtfully. Sol-Yi knows about the kiss but when she teases her about Choi Ung’s feelings, Sol-Yi suddenly realizes that Yeon-Su wants to get back with him. She’s had these thoughts for a while now, but has been keeping it to herself and hiding this. ..

The roles seem to be reversed, in a cruel twist of fate. Yeon-Su heads over to Choi-Ung’s place and finds him completely nonchalant to the whole event. He’s not going to apologize for what happened and instead, asks if they can be friends. Given they’ve never tried being friends before, he thinks they could be a good pairing. But can they really be friends without spilling over to lovers? I have my doubts…

After all, as friends it shouldn’t be a problem. But after a few weeks of this, Yeon-Su begins to feel like she’s not being treated fairly. She starts to feel like Choi-Ung is only talking to her because he wants her to stay with him. And she can’t help but think that this is how friendship works – you put up with the other person until they start putting up with you back.

Choi-Ung clearly likes Yeon-Su’s company, and as Eun-Ho is ringing with plans for an interview, he feigns being ill and decides to hang out with Yeon-Su instead, playing videogames. ..

Yeon-Su and NJ are playing a game of chicken, with Yeon-Su trying to see if NJ will reveal what’s going on between him and Ji-Ung. NJ doesn’t want to tell Yeon-Su anything, so he asks the same thing about Ji-Ung. Ji-Ung scoffs at the ludicrous idea though, given she doesn’t see him in that way.

Ji-Ung admitted he likes Yeon-Su at work, but Chae-Ran defends him. Ji-Ung is taken aback and has plenty to think about.

Meanwhile, Yeon-Su sees a message on Eun-Ho’s phone confirming that Choi-Ung has cancelled the interview. This makes her think, so she goes down into Choi-ung’s basement and starts looking at all his drawings. When Choi-Ung appears, she calls him out for his hot and cold behavior, wanting to know the truth. Only, while they talk, Ji-Ung appears at the door. ..

The Episode Review

I don’t understand Ji-Ung’s motivations here. I get that he still has feelings for Yeon-Su and has done for a long time but he’s also openly admitted that he had a plan originally for letting Choi-Ung and Yeon-Su blossom. That’s before mentioning the unwritten rule that you don’t romance your friends’ ex. Maybe it’s just me but it all feels a bit shady.

This chapter has a nice flow to it, with Choi-Ung and Yeon-Su trying to be friends. There’s obviously more than that between them, and the phone call from NJ, and Choi-ung’s jealousy toward Yeon-Su hanging with Ji-Ung is enough to prove as much.

I appreciate that the show has avoided the common trope of characters hooking up and getting into a relationship. This keeps the drama exciting and allows viewers to anticipate when these two will finally connect. ..

Our Beloved Summer has been a thoroughly enjoyable watch though and the ending hints that we’ve got more angst to come in the chapters ahead.