Before Sunset

Ji-Ung: So, Choi-Ung, tell me about your most recent trip. Choi-Ung: We went to Japan last month. It was a great trip. Ji-Ung: What did you enjoy the most? Choi-Ung: I really enjoyed the food. The sushi was especially good. ..

Choi-ung has mixed feelings about a trip to Suwon he took with Yeon-Su. Yeon-Su had a knack for doing whatever she wanted back then, telling Choi-Ung this was their final trip together. This caused him to become really anxious and uncomfortable the whole time, believing a break-up was imminent. It wasn’t, as it turns out. At the end of this trip, Yeon-Su opened up and caught him off-guard completely, admitting that she loves him.

Ji-ung and his team film, with both Sol-Yi and Eun-Ho both interviewed over their feelings toward Yeon-Su and Choi-ung’s estranged relationship. This secluded spot has had its intended reaction though, with the pair back on another trip. Just like they promised all those years back, they’re together again on a longer trip. Of course, not under the same circumstances.

The tension between Yeon-Su and Choi-ung is still high, even though they have decided to give each other some space. They are still hung up over Choi-ung’s ties with NJ, and news articles online about their pairing only make things worse. This only exacerbates the tensions between them and in front of the camera, the pair have trouble conversing.

While Yeon-Su and Ji-Ung are spending time together, the same can be said from Ji-Ung. When he learns that Yeon-Su and Choi-ung are heading out together (with the camera no less) he tries in vain to hide his jealousy. Now, Ji-Ung is a little sly here and hides his true feelings behind the camera, which is a little subjective to say the least. It does seem a bit shifty that he’s moving on his best friend’s ex flame.

The documentary team captures a good time between the two friends while on their bikes. They have a lot of chemistry and seem to enjoy riding together.

When they relax on a bench and enjoy the view, an elderly couple pass and believe that they’re an item. Ji-Ung doesn’t correct them and Yeon-Su’s wry smile after seems to hint she knows he has feelings for her. He shrugs it off though and claims he was just being polite.

Chae-ran films Choi-ung as he draws. As they discuss the original documentary, she reveals the exact moment he developed feelings for Yeon-su. This time though, she’s keeping quiet and instead asks him to try and liven up in front of the cameras. Smiling, Choi-ung promises to do his best. ..

When Ji-Ung and Yeon-Su return – when the sun is down no less – Choi-Ung struggles to shake off his jealousy. Awkwardness inevitably ensues at dinner that afternoon, especially when Yeon-Su admits she had a nap in the middle of the day. Choi-Ung though points out that she always said she hated people who took naps. ..

With Yeon-Su and Choi-Ung away at their vacation home, NJ shows at Ung’s place. Her parents voice-call with the group as NJ appears on-screen to say hello. When Yeon-Su sees, you can see her heart literally sink. It’ll be interesting to see if the camera has picked up on this but it’s obvious these little romance/couple pairings are bringing up old, unresolved feelings. That is especially true that night as Yeon-Su and Choi-ung both feel the proverbial hammer blow of their emotions.

Yeon-Su heads into Choi-Ung’s room in the morning and sees a beautiful drawing of the vacation house on his desk. She thinks about brushing his hair out of his face, but instead he reaches out and holds her hand. Yeon-Su pulls away. ..

As she heads out for a morning stroll, Yeon-Su ends up napping on a bench and awakens with a familiar sense of deja vu. It’s raining, she has no umbrella and she’s stuck with nowhere to go. And just like the past, it’s Choi-Ung in the distance who appears like a knight in shining armour with an umbrella.

Yeon-Su is standing in the rain, unsure of what to do. She’s been debating this for hours and her boyfriend, Choi-ung, is waiting for her decision. Should she stay or leave? Choi-ung leans forward and kisses Yeon-Su. This is Yeon-Su’s chance to decide - should she stay with Choi-ung or leave him for good? ..

The Episode Review

The main point of this episode is that jealousy is a strong indicator of true feelings. It’s harder to hide your disappointment when you see your crush or ex with someone else (if you still have feelings for them of course) and this episode perfectly exemplifies that.

This chapter relies on echoes from the past to illustrate the extent of unresolved emotions after the abrupt break-up and the trouble it’s caused for Choi-Ung and Yeon-Su in their present life.

The kiss at the vacation house was always going to be a big one. It’s cliché to showcase it in the middle of the rain, but it’s also satisfying to watch.

The show has already built a lot of anticipation for its upcoming episodes, and I can’t wait to see what happens in the remaining ones. I think we’ll see a lot of great chemistry between Yeon-Su and Choi-ung, as well as between Sol-Yi and Eun-Ho. They have great chemistry together and the show has built a nice comedic foundation around them.

Given that we’re only at the halfway point of this one, it’s safe to assume that we may well have some broken hearts coming forward.

This year’s Valentine’s Day episode was beautifully constructed and managed to exemplify the longing for a loved one while balancing envy and lust. A great kissing scene served as a wonderful way to round out the year and bring us to 2022 for the next episode! ..