Catch Me If You Can

Choi-Ung has a problem. He’s always running away from his problems. It started in elementary school, when he would run away from class to avoid having to share information with his classmates. It continued through college, where he would run away from classes and discussions about his research projects. And now, it’s continuing into the present day. According to Choi-ung, this is just a reasonable decision and he doesn’t even see it as running away.

A celebration is about to get underway, and Choi-ung runs away again. Yeon-Su also goes AWOL as well. With Eun-Ho and Sol-Yi there twiddling their thumbs, they debate over where the pair may be… and if they’re together. They’re not though but left to their own devices, they decide to drink the bottles of wine. After all, it would be a shame to waste them, wouldn’t it? ..

Ji-Ung, the new writer on the show, notices that they’ve been assigned a new producer. This woman is Lee Min-Kyung and she throws shade at the upcoming documentary, unsure exactly what Ji-ung’s angle is in all this. She watched the old documentary before coming into this and believes there’s something simmering between Yeon-Su and Choi-ung. Looking at the new documentary, that’s not there. So naturally, she questions Ji-Ung’s filming and whether there could be more to this than meets the eye. ..

Lee Min-Kyung implores Ji-Ung to bring back Choi-ung and this time, make sure they stay. Even if that means locking them up or kidnapping them. figuratively speaking though right Lee Min-Kyung… right?

The pair run into each other at the library by chance and it’s incredibly awkward. Yeon-Su feels embarrassed as she cried in front of Choi-ung but when he learns how embarrassed she is, and isn’t running away, it makes him reconsider his actions.

The two do hashing out their issues, with Yeon-Su always being in control and making all the decisions. This time though he decides to walk away.

When he does, NJ and Eun-Ho send him a video message congratulating him on his success story. The thing is, the pair have been drinking wine together and are very drunk. What begins as a nice message soon turns into crying. ..

A charity event is being organized by New Jersey, but the people who show up to help are not actually helping. They are all doing this to avoid being sued and just pretending to be happy. They are only sucking up because they know that last year those who volunteered were let off.

As a whole table of people discuss this, NJ happens to be just around the corner and she hears the whole thing. NJ puts her foot down and confronts them after the day’s events, deciding she’s not going to drop the charges against these malicious commenters after all.

When she eventually drives away, she runs into Choi-ung and the pair head to the park together. There, a couple of kids show up who happen to be fans of NJ. Choi-Ung admires her patience and comments how difficult it must be to juggle all of this.

Ji-Ung, a new student at the school, catches Yeon-Su and Seung-Hyun together and is immediately envious. Yeon-Su seems to be oblivious to Ji-Ung’s presence, but Seung-Hyun seems to be aware of him. ..

New Jersey finally breaks the news to Choi-ung that she likes him. When he finds out, he is shell-shocked and suggests they hang out again soon. ..

Interestingly, Yeon-Su and Ji-Ung also hang out, after taking a very drunk Sol-Yi over to Yeon-Su’s to crash. As Yeon-Su watches from afar, Ji-Ung and her grandmother get on really well – could there be romance here, I wonder?

Ji-ung and Ms Lee make their decision to film a movie together in the morning. They have three days to film and they want to make the most of it.

The Episode Review

This year’s Beloved Summer is all about running away from your problems. That’s something these characters have done across the years, especially if those flashbacks are anything to go by. The decision to throw Yeon-Su and Choi-ung in the deep end, forcing them to spend three whole days together and not run away, should be enough to spark the film into life.

Interestingly, Choi-ung has the romantic prospects of New Jersey to deal with here too, and I’d imagine we’ll see him dating her for a while before realizing that his heart lies with Yeon-Su. Likewise, the whole Ji-Ung situation alongside Yeon-Su looks to be building up to something but we’ll have to wait and see if that comes to fruition or not.

This episode of Our Beloved Summer is named after a good movie featuring Leo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks, so it has a lot of meaning. It’s also a story about running or facing your problems, leaving plenty of food for thought.