A Secret That Can’t Be Told

In the year 2000, Choi Ung and Ji-Ung first meet in school. Both share the same name but their fates are very different. Choi Ung is a popular, outgoing student while Ji-Ung is a shy, introverted student. Despite their differences, the two become friends and eventually fall in love with each other. However, their love is forbidden and they must keep it a secret from everyone around them. In the end, they are forced to part ways and never see each other again. ..

Ji-Ung felt early on that Choi-ung was feeling lonely and ended up befriending him. The thing is, it’s Ji-Ung who’s the one who feels alone, always confined to the shadows while his best friend hogs the spotlight. While Choi-Ung’s family are supportive and loving, Ji-Ung’s are anything but. Despite pangs of jealousy starting to seep in, Choi’s sharing nature and good heart allowed him to (in his own words) “imitate happiness.”

Ji-Ung has been in love with Yeon-Su for a long time, but he’s always been shy around her. He also notices Choi-ung looking at her and decides not to pursue this, taking a step back. ..

Yeon-Su is disappointed that Jang decided to include Nu-a on the line-up without first consulting with Choi-Ung. Yeon-Su had nothing to do with this decision, but that doesn’t seem to matter to Choi-Ung. ..

Ji-Ung is struggling to communicate with Choi-ung, who has always had an emotionally immature core.

Yeon-Su tries to make a better image for herself by ringing her friend Choi Ung to apologize but he fails to pick up.

Eun-Ho rushes over to see what’s going on and encourages Choi Ung to be more professional so it doesn’t look like he just sits around and eats all day. So naturally, what better way to spark the flames of inspiration than heading to a museum. Once there, Choi delivers a passionate speech about art but it turns out Ji-Ung’s camera has run out of battery, cutting him short.

Ji-Ung defends Yeon-Su against Choi, telling him he’s being silly and that she would never betray him. He also reveals that he knows Choi still likes Yeon-Su, even after all these years. Ji-Ung doesn’t have to do this, but he’s also a very loyal friend. ..

Ji-Ung, the young man who was once a part of NJ’s high school class, turns his attention to New Jersey in order to continue his education. He talks with She-Ran from four years ago and they share a few laughs.

Elsewhere, Yeon-Su enjoys her day off with best friend Sol-Yi. The cameras are still filming of course, as Sol-Yi constantly calls Yeon-Su a crazy b**ch before turning the attention to her crazy ex who cheated on her. As she calls him out and reveals how well she’s doing, everything goes awry. Yeon-Su’s ex shows up at their apartment complex and starts to argue with her. He then pulls out a gun and starts shooting at her. ..

The group booking she had phones up and cancels at the last minute. The pub is clearly not doing well and Sol-Yi is despairing. However, the camera crew have an idea and bring in Ji-Ung…and Choi-ung to the pub. It’s the perfect opportunity to bring Yeon-Su and Choi-Ung together and potentially open up the doors for these two to actually talk openly with one another.

Choi-Ung is the one who apologizes first for acting impulsively while Yeon-Su’s apology is cut short by Choi making a big decision. He’s going to work with Nu-A after all. They only have a week until the art opening; Choi apologizes for being childish, deciding to do his best the get the work prepped in time Tellingly, the cameras are rolling the entire time as Yeon-Su feels something is up between them.

Eun-Ho and Sol-Yi are breaking up. They stop themselves several times when they mention it, leading to an awkward silence.

With time running out, Choi-ung begins drawing intensely for 100 hours. That equates to roughly 19 hours a day, given how close to the event this is. The cameras are rolling the whole time. ..

Yeon-Su is also filming the proceedings, trying to get the paperwork in order for this. A slick montage ensues, skipping between both Yeon-Su and Choi-ung as they work to try and get the project done on time. ..

Yeon-Su becomes increasingly concerned about Choi Ung’s wellbeing as the time continues to tick by. She heads over to his house with a flask of Jujube tea but when he answers, she can see he looks absolutely exhausted. He’s managed to work for 95 hours, meaning he’ll do the remaining 5 in front of the audience tomorrow. Just before Yeon-Su leaves, Choi-ung holds her arm and asks whether she wants to stay over with him.

In the epilogue, we cut back and see Choi Ung meet Mr Jang and agree to collaborate with Nu-A. As they talk plainly, Mr Jang admits the harsh truth. He knows that Choi-ung has feelings for Yeon-Su but doesn’t want it to jeopardize the project. Mr Jang also reveals that he likes Yeon-Su… but only as a business partner. Right? …Right?

The Episode Review

This week’s episode of “Our Beloved Summer” focused on Ji-Un and what has happened to him in the past. It was revealed that he is acting in the shadows with Choi-ung, and that he actually likes Yeon-Su. This sets up an interesting dynamic going forward. ..

The love triangle in this k-drama feels a little familiar, but it’s not as cliched as other dramas that have adopted the angle. In fact, the triangle feels similar to When I Was the Most Beautiful, minus the teacher/student dynamic.

The acting is decent and the back and forth timelines offer up a much-needed burst of flavor. The school days are the sweet side dish against the bitter present day main course. ..

Despite its flaws, “Our Beloved Summer” has been a fun ride so far. ..