Begin Again

As we enter the restaurant, we see Yeon-Su and Choi-Ung sitting at a table together. They seem to be in a good mood, but as soon as they see us, their mood quickly changes. Yeon-Su starts to cry and Choi-Ung tries to comfort her. Suddenly, the door opens and in walks their father.

Choi-Ung’s past has been full of pain and we see more of it here. It turns out his parents actually adopted him, but around the same time every year they mourn the loss of their own child, weeping in the lounge. Choi-Ung saw them weeping together one night, which is what started his bad dreams about being abandoned.

This also explains why the break-up affected Choi-Ung so badly, given he interpreted what happened as Yeon-Su abandoning him too.

Yeon-Su bumps into Choi-Ung outside who clearly hasn’t slept, given he keeps yawning. Yeon-Su mothers him, very clearly concerned for his well-being. Choi-Ung spontaneously holds her against the wall and queries whether she can take a day off. She won’t, as it turns out, but they do both confirm that they’re dating. ..

This also has a knock-on effect of allowing Choi-Ung to be more open with his parents too. He tells them to invite him along to their countryside trip next time.

Ji-Ung continues to edit the video but he’s clearly exhausted. So naturally, Jung Chae-Ran is concerned. After checking Ji-Ung’s vitals, realizes that he’s ill and decides to take over, leaving Ji-Ung dumbfounded. Even Mr Park can tell that she likes him, and when he realizes Ji-Ung hasn’t noticed, he calls him a lost cause. ..

When Ji-Ung returns home, Choi-Ung arrives to hash out their problems. There’s not really much development there though if I’m honest, and much like before Ji-Ung is stubborn and asks whether Choi-Ung wants a congratulations from him. Well, no he’s not going to do that! Instead, Ji-Ung is just going to stay quiet.

The next day, Choi-Ung and Yeon-Su arrange to meet at the weekend but it’s strangely awkward. Both of them start to second guess themselves, eventually leading to Choi-Ung showing up at Yeon-Su’s work as a surprise. The pair hug outside, as Choi-Ung comments to himself that he definitely couldn’t wait until the weekend to see her.

That night, the pair discuss their relationship. It’s a really cute conversation, especially when they end up together outside Yeon-Su’s house giggling.

While this is going on, NJ invites Ji-Ung a for drinks but she ends up blind drunk, rambling on about how much she likes Choi-Ung. She admits she feels worthless for getting between them (something Ji-Ung knows all too well) and convinces her that she can give up on Choi-Ung. Although he doesn’t say much, Ji-Ung’s advice certainly helps NJ gain some perspective.

Meanwhile, Yeon-Su and Choi-ung head over to the latter’s house, kissing passionately on the sofa.

The Episode Review

The eagerly anticipated return of summer is here, and with it comes an episode that is more urgent and driven than yesterday’s. There are beautiful images in this episode, and the chat between NJ and Ji-Ung helps both characters move past their feelings. Or at least start on the road to do that anyway. ..

Elsewhere, Choi-Ung and Yeon-Su grow closer together, and there are some beautiful moments between the pair. Nowhere else is that more evident than in the scene featuring the pair hugging and talking outside Yeon-Su’s place. Although they’re not students, this does help to reinforce they’re still young at heart.

Despite Ji-Ung’s moments in the epilogue admitting he’s tired of being the bad guy, I’m struggling to see what purpose he has in this series. ..

Episode 4 of “The Crown” aired on Wednesday and it seems like the show is gearing up to explore more of the romance between Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip. The episode begins with the Queen visiting Philip in hospital, where they share a tender moment. The episode then cuts to a montage of scenes from their past, including when they first met and when she became queen. It’s clear that the two have a strong bond and are very much in love with each other. This latest development comes as no surprise to fans of the show, who have been speculating about whether or not there is romantic tension between the two for some time now. However, this is the first time that we’ve seen any evidence of a relationship being developing between them. ..