Our Nights Are More Beautiful Than Your Days

Choi Ung reflects on the break-up with Yeon-Su once more. This time, it’s given more context, specifically how Choi Ung was on the verge of leaving and asking Yeon-Su to study abroad with him.

Jjongjjong is a dog who is afraid of going outside and being around large groups of people. This is important to note as it comes back later in the episode. ..

Meanwhile, pictures of NJ and Choi-Ung’s meeting begin to circulate online. CEO Kang believes this could be good for their PR image, given Choi has a solid reputation. For now, the CEO decides to overlook this hiccup in judgment from NJ. The celebrity scoffs at the CEO and tells her boss to stop treating her like a kid. ..

When Yeon-Su sees this same news, she quickly shuts her laptop. Sol-Yi rings and tries to probe over exactly how she feels, but Yeon-Su remains quietly guarded on the topic. When she goes for a drive, a big billboard with New Jersey’s advert flashes up, causing her to question Choi-Ung’s feelings. ..

Eun-Ho is relieved and happy to hear this news from Choi-Ung. ..

Ji-Ung heads to the office and learns that Choi was there earlier on. And specifically, hanging around in the editing room. Chae-Ran tries to talk Ji-Ung around, pointing out that it was his birthday yesterday and encouraging him to go out for dinner with her. Although he initially refuses, she’s pretty persistent and he eventually agrees.

Unfortunately, the other employees from the SBBS Special are there too, and things don’t go as planned. Specifically, thanks to Lee Min-Kyung realizing that Ji-Ung likes Yeon-Su. Min-Kyung urges him to go back and re-edit the video, clearly concerned that his feelings could be changing the way this video is shot.

That evening, Yeon-Su heads over to Choi-Ung’s place with food. Eun-Ho hurries her inside but Chou happens to be out. While she waits, NJ happens to head over too. The conversation is awkward, especially when NJ quizzes whether she’s getting in the way of Yeon-Su and Choi-ung. The thing is, regardless of what she says, NJ isn’t going to give him up without a fight and she knows that. ..

NJ and Choi-Ung have been dating for a few months now, and things seem to be going well. NJ leaves for work one morning, leaving a note on the kitchen table that says “I love you” and a trail of jujube fruits. Choi-Ung is confused at first, but he eventually decides to go over to Ji-Ung’s house to ask him what’s going on. When he gets there, he finds Ji-Ung drunk on the sofa and rambling about his feelings for NJ. Ji-Ung scoffed when Choi-Ung told him to go to bed, indicating that he doesn’t care about NJ as much as he thought he did. This has caused Choi-Ung to question his relationship with NJ, and whether or not it’s worth continuing. ..

Jjongjong and the dog walk together in the morning. Choi-ung has not shown up to their filming shoot, and Ji-Ung is worried he may be to blame. In reality, there is more going on here, linking back to the past. He heads over to see Jjongjong, who’s out for walks now and no longer hates the outdoors. The dog has grown and changed; a metaphor for how Choi-ung has also changed. He just needs the courage to take that next step.

This helps Choi-Ung take a better look at his life, and specifically what’s been going on with Yeon-Su. He doesn’t think he’s worthy of being with her, but a chat with Yeon-Su’s grandmother helps him to realize that actually, she’s every bit in love with him as he is with her.

Yeon-Su and Choi-ung finally have a chance to talk after their kiss. They discuss their differences and how they can work together better.

After some Dutch courage (given the three bottles of soju) Yeon-Su opens up and tells him she doesn’t want to be his friend. “I missed you, Yeon-Su. I’ve always missed you.” Choi-Ung suddenly says, interrupting her. He finally has the courage to say what he feels and urges her to keep loving him. With tears in their eyes, Yeon-Su nods.

The Episode Review

The ending is beautiful. It’s been coming for a while, but finally Choi-ung has the strength and courage to actually open up and admit how he really feels. Using the metaphor of that dog, Jjongjong, is a nice way of doing that and it helps to show that even animals can change their behaviour over time. And thus, that much is true for Yeon-Su and Choi-Ung, at least in terms of opening up and admitting the truth.

The main characters in this story are Ji-Ung and Wang. Ji-Ung is still a third wheel in all of this, and his inclusion in the story apparently a roadblock for both our main characters. In reality, he’s just awkwardly sticking around and getting in the way. He’s not much of a “threat” or an “obstacle” for either of these guys, so he’s just sorta… there.

I’m glad Min-Kyung called out Ji-Ung for his behaviour but I’m not so sure about his drunken rant at Choi-ung’s place. Hopefully he opens up and sees what he has in his life, especially given how much Chae-Ran has taken a fancy to him.

This is an episode that is more reflective and slower-paced than usual, but hopefully the chapters ahead can pick up the pace and start to resolve some of the issues.