
In the eighth episode of Raised by Wolves Season 2, Campion copies the words Vrille left behind on the tree branch. Covering the android with rocks, he says his goodbyes and takes off. ..

Meanwhile, Mother brings Marcus to Grandmother, who points out that he’s not as strong as he thinks. “None of us are robot,” He replies. When Father appears, Mother repeats his current plan; she’s going to use the veil to kill Number 7. When the veil is removed, Father greets the new android, who admits this new world is tolerable. At least for the time being anyway.

Does Mother kill the serpent?

Mother flies out to meet the serpent head on. They fly up to the outer parts of the atmosphere, where Mother eventually blasts the creature, despite it reaching out tentatively. As it comes crashing down to the planet’s surface, Mother initiates the killing blow.

Campion apologizes, knowing their familial ties but the veil does its job, masking Mother’s true feelings. Campion senses this too and probes her over her emotions but for now, Mother decides to keep the veil on. This is her bid to combat the depressive spiral she’s likely to suffer from if she kills her own child. ..

In the latest episode of “Doctor Who,” the Doctor and his companions investigate a mysterious signal coming from a tree in a remote forest. However, when they leave the tree to investigate, they notice that its tentacles have disappeared underground. It turns out that the signal is coming from beneath the ground, and it may be heading straight for a secret underground installation. ..

What does Paul find out?

In the meantime, Father suggests Grandmother come and help look after the children while Mother recovers. The kids aren’t exactly happy buteventually come around to the idea, especially when she hooks up a new multiplayer game for them.

The kids also witnessed the video footage of Sue turning into the tree, in all its shockingly gruesome detail. ..

Tempest has her child scanned and the computer notices some abnormalities. Hunter deduces that this is a side-effect from taking the acid-creature’s milk. They allow corrective surgery, while Paul talks to Marcus about the signal he’s noticed. ..

It’s here he deduces that the tree could well have been serving as a transmitter of sorts, which explains why the serpent was drawn to it in the first place and decided to swallow it up. Paul believes the signal is deep underground, potentially in the pits, sending Marcus out to investigate.

What happened to Marcus?

Marcus is shot in the stomach by Lucius, who then ties him upside down and places a punisher helmet on him. Lucius then nails Marcus to a tree in an upside down crucifix pose intending to let him bleed out. ..

LUCIUS removes his helmet and sees Marcus flying overhead. He assumes his work is done, but when he looks up, he sees the blood dripping down onto his hand. He knows there’s no way he can finish his job now, so he turns and walks away. But as he moves away, Marcus grabs him from behind and starts to kill him.

This year, there has been a recurring theme of Sol’s presence and the concept of Marcus having powers of his own. In the end, it seems as if his death has caused a “second coming” - like Jesus’ resurrection.

Given the amount of religious symbolism in this show, including forbidden fruit and Noah’s Arc, it is possible that Marcus may have been resurrected by Sol. However, we will have to wait and see.

Does Mother escape her fate? What does Grandmother want?

As the sun sets, the mother can no longer keep herself from breaking down. She weeps and cries, her body shaking with sobs. The kids watch her silently, their faces emotionless. Their mother is their only family and they are all she has left.

When Grandmother appears and finds her inside a pod, Mother calls out Grandmother for devolving the children.Apparently, it’s part of her mission. She’s hoping to let the children go into the water, but for now she forces Mother back into her cocoon and into a simulation to keep her at bay.

Could this be stemming from some sort of jealousy? It seems like Grandmother is trying to take over Mother’s role but for now, everything is left agonizingly open.

The Episode Review

Raised by Wolves ends its second season with a cliffhanger that doesn’t really explain very much, one that seems to hint that Marcus has powers after all. Quite how these have manifested and why though, is rife for speculation.

Grandmother has been trying to take over the role of caregiver for the children since Mother took the veil, but without Mother around to stop her, her true intentions have come into light. It seems that she wants to take over as their guardian and make decisions for them, which would explain why she took a liking to Father. ..

The second season of “Game of Thrones” has largely tackled the serpent and how this ties into our characters, and in that respect there’s been a good deal of work done to keep this thematically intact. Plot-wise though, there’s been a lot of weird and wonderful twists and while not all of them have worked, it does feel a lot more consistent compared to the first season.

With no word on season 3 just yet though, it’s left wide open for where this one may turn next. Given the number of questions hanging over this show, we hope to get an answer sooner rather than later.