The End?

Does Laura find Nick?

In the latest episode of Pieces of Her, Laura calls Nick and asks to meet to try and resolve this conflict once and for all. The collateral in all this is Jasper, who Laura decides to sacrifice in order to get her daughter back. On the road, Laura receives a message from Nick, telling her she should take better care of her daughter.

At the cabin, Nick claims to have taken her to his cabin after the car crash, having heard her screams for help. Charlie was nowhere to be seen though and he admits that Clara is long gone. He also broaches the subject of seeing him again, understanding that it must be a shock to see him. However, he has unfinished business with Laura, which he intends to resolve.

Laura shows up at the cabin with her suitcase, where Nick comes outside and sees her. Looking her in the eyes, Nick holds Laura close before frisking her, making sure she’s not carrying a gun. Nick admits that Andy is okay and walks with Laura hand in hand back inside.

What happens in the cabin?

Nick is not happy that Laura kept her pregnancy from him. Laura admits that she was too busy keeping tabs on her family and working with Nick in Oslo to give it much thought. When he slams the suitcase on the table, sifting through what’s inside, he demands to know where “it” is. That “it” happens to be a tape, which Nick eventually finds and plays, using his tape recorder.

The incriminating tape of Jasper and Nick in collusion has been kept hidden from the family for years, but now that Nick has it, there are big questions over what will happen next.

As the money burns and Nick skips away, Laura and Andy stumble out of the cabin. Nick demands Laura come clean about what happened in Oslo, Andy senses an opportunity and throws a lamp across the room. She realizes that Nick was the one who crashed into their car intentionally and left Charlie to die. The lamp explodes on impact, setting the place alight. As the money burns and Nick skips away, Laura and Andy stumble out of the cabin.

Does Laura kill Nick?

Laura eventually catches up with Nick and holds him at gunpoint. He encourages her to fire, but just before she does Andy appears behind her. She questions her mother’s resolve and whispers that she doesn’t need to do this. Everything is over. And just like that, the police show up and demand both Nick and Laura drop to their knees. ..

With the standoff over, Gordon joins Andy as she mourns the loss of Charlie. Nick is questioned by the authorities while Laura catches up with Jasper, revealing that the tape is gone and can’t be used against him anymore. Laura also asks Jasper to get involved and find out what Nick is saying in his interview but he refuses, incredulously scoffing at the idea of interfering in the justice system. He walks away.

Do Michael and Andy get their happily-ever-after?

Andy comes to the hospital and sees Michael on the mend. She thanks him for his help, as she admits that she found a needle mark on him where he was punctured by some sort of respiratory paralytic. They talk about how he’s doing and how grateful they are to have each other.

Andy was running under the bridge when he bumped into the runner. Andy was able to save the runner’s life by doing CPR and calling for help. He is en-route to Washington D.C., where he is about to be debriefed and potentially lose his job.

Andy agrees to go out with him sometime, but wants some time to process everything that’s happened so far. ..

What happened in Oslo?

Andy finally catches up with Laura, who admits that she’s been stressed and enraged for a long time. She was suffering a lot and that’s why she constantly went to the beach. Laura admits she wanted her daughter to have a normal life, which is why she shielded all of this from her for so long. Laura is bitterly regretful over her meeting with Nick, wanting to keep him away from her. She was also close to killing him in the woods too, had Andy not shown up and stopped her.

However, there is one more thing that needs to be clarified, and that comes from the incident in Oslo. It turns out Jane actually switched the bags, leaving the one with a gun in for Grace up on stage. This explains why she was so spooked. The bag with the bomb was not there after all, and Nick has been aware that Laura was responsible for doing this. She’s the one who had their father killed. ..

Jasper rings Laura in the middle of the night and admits that he’s to be Senator Shepherd’s running mate, He’s also been talking to Nick as well, and he talked a lot about Oslo and Laura. Specifically, what she did to Martin. He agrees to keep it quiet but vows to be in touch soon.

How does Pieces Of Her end?

Andy and Laura sit on the beach, watching the waves crash against the shore. Andy tells Laura about her life before moving to the small town, how she always felt like she was missing out on something. She tells Laura about how she met her husband there and how they fell in love. They share stories and laugh until their stomachs growl, prompting them to head back to their apartments for breakfast. ..

The Episode Review

The novel ends with a lot of big plot points, but it’s not satisfying because it spends so much time building up to the climax and then not delivering on it.

The entire plot was resolved after 37 minutes but yet the show continued on for another 20, with Laura back to playing piano again and revealing the twist that Laura was actually responsible for Martin’s death, at least indirectly anyway. So the irony here is that both Laura and Jasper have family secrets they’ve been keeping from one another.

The show has had some standout moments, but it struggles to actually justify its 8 episode run given how many flashbacks this has had throughout. In fact, several of these chapters could have been cut and streamlined into a much more pacey thriller like the first couple of episodes would have you believe. ..

The main point of this series’ romance is that it feels awkwardly contrived. The moment with Andy kissing Michael honestly felt like the start of her catching him off-guard and running but nope, we’re going the route of romance. The end scenes between the pair unfortunately fall flat because of this.

Pieces of Her feels like it is closer to Stay Close, which also had issues with its pacing and contrived story. With that in mind, Pieces of Her is not one to remember, bowing things out with a rather disappointing conclusion to this story.