False Truths

As the protest outside the government building grows louder, Nick’s associate begins to feel out of place. He knows that he can’t be seen as a protester, so he starts to act like one. He talks to people and tries to get them to listen to reason. But even with his best efforts, the protesters are getting more and more organized. They know that they can’t let Nick win this battle, so they’re starting to take matters into their own hands.

A terrorist group is planning to kill a man named Martin Queller with a bomb. This is an attempt to discredit the government and create chaos. ..

Andy, under the disguise of Sheila Scott, manages to get into prison and meet with Paula. However, the minute Paula enters, she knows that Andy is not her. ..

Andy is a reporter who pretends to be a commissary customer. She is given 2 minutes to speak her case.

When Laura mentions her mother’s name, Paula claims she doesn’t know her. However, when she sees the old photo of her mum from the past, Paula gets angry.

Paula mentions Jane, and how she’s checking up on her. This is, of course, Laura’s alias that we heard from the last episode. Anyway, Paula is outraged and eventually taken away.

Andy has found her next lead in the case of the missing girl, Paula, after she mentions the name Jasper Queller. She begins searching through his book for clues, specifically looking for any mention of a girl named Lily. ..

Interestingly, there are passages in the book about Jane vanishing after the death of her father. There’s also mention of someone called Andrew suddenly dying and Jasper being the “last Queller left standing.”

Photos of Laura Queller, presumably a member of the Queller family in the past, reinforce what you may be thinking. ..

Andy is followed by Jack, leading to her outsmarting him down an alleyway and managing to hold a gun up to him. She wants answers, and after taking his gun, learns that he’s a cop. Specifically, he’s a US Marshall known as Michael Vargas. And he also works in witness protection.

Michael’s story is met with skepticism by Andy and the other people at the diner. Even though Michael is holding a gun up to his head, not one person seems to care. This may be because the gun is hidden under the table and to Michael’s back, or it could be that no one has ever seen a gun like that before.

Michael admits that she has been in witness protection her whole life. Andy tries to bargain with him, wanting to get into Jasper Queller’s fundraiser. He mentions someone working in security, who could help get her through the front door.

Andy and Michael are forced to share a room for now. Both of them are very guarded, with Andy refusing to open up. ..

Michael phoned his contact in the middle of the night to reveal that Andy was still asleep and asked what to do. When he returned, a strange guy showed up and began choking Andy out. Michael saved her though, thwarting the guy’s threat. As Andy then kissed Michael, um, okay them. ..

Charlie has been receiving death threats from her ex-boyfriend, and the FBI has advised her that she needs to leave the area for her safety. She’s been living in fear ever since their break-up, but now she’s faced with the reality that she’ll have to leave again. ..

Laura is incredulous when Charlie brings up the possibility that Nick is still alive. The US Attorney’s office believes he’s still around, but Laura is convinced he’s long gone. After all, she would be dead if he were still there… right? ..

Laura decides to leave the witness protection program instead after seeing one of the suspects in a list handed over by the officers.

Flashbacks reveal that Laura (Jane) had been trying to organize a meeting with Nick, who didn’t fit in with the other graduates at university. She was immediately drawn to him. ..

After signing the release forms, Laura is free to go back to her old life. She also receives her old ID card, which she uses to assume the identity of Jane. ..

Andy, a conference attendee, meets privately with another attendee, who tells her that he is named after Andrew Queller. ..

Michael is frustrated as he follows the thug, only to lose him in the backstage area. He’s then followed by Andy, who has his phone with him. Michael is left frustrated and lost as he tries to find his way back out.

Andy is taken out the front of the police station and into the car with Queller, who she just willingly trusts.

The Episode Review

While “Pieces of Her” is an enjoyable show, it has many plot holes and contrivances. The whole prison gig is one such example. ..

Sheila’s plan is based on her not noticing her wallet and ID have gone missing for over 24 hours, and then making sure there are no officers who recognize Andy when she heads inside as Sheila.

But then hilariously, Sheila realizes she’s not Paula instantly. It’s these sort of niggling issues that prevent this show from being more gripping. ..

The kiss between Michael and Andy at the end came out of left-field and definitely wasn’t needed at all — not to mention how Andy is just willingly trusting this Queller guy whom she knows nothing about.

With Laura free from witness protection and presumably looking for those responsible for what happened to her, the second half of this show looks set to kick into high gear. However, it’s unfortunate that this one is full of contrivances and holes.