Would I Lie To You?

In episode 3 of Pieces of Her, Laura begins to prepare for her live TV appearance. She tells the producer that she wants to stop anyone from getting hurt and wants to work together to make sure that doesn’t happen. The producer seems happy with this and agrees to help Laura with her project. However, the man who’s after her watches the broadcast and decides that he wants to hurt Laura in some way.

That evening, Laura is sitting in her office when she gets a call from a friend. It’s Andy, and he wants to talk to her. She tells him that she won’t be able to meet with him until later that night, but he insists. She asks him what the matter is, and he tells her that he saw the news about the bombing and it made him feel really upset. He says that he doesn’t know what to do or where to go.

Andy waits out until morning before deciding to take a shortcut into town. That includes going by foot, through the woods to a car dealership. She uses the cash from Laura’s suitcase, which she had been saving for a rainy day, to buy a car and hurriedly skips out, especially when she notices a suspicious-looking car nearby. ..

Andy’s phone call to Charlie reveals that he has been questioning whether the shadowy men could be working with Jerry, his father.

After talking with Charlie, alarm bells immediately ring for the journalist when she mentions Carrollton. After all, Andy never mentioned where she was going.

Andy finds photos in the drawer that show her husband happily married. When she asks him about it, he lies and claims he never has. This is enough for Andy to hurriedly leave, driving away as quickly as she can. ..

Andy rings Gordon from a payphone and demands answers. She wants to know what Laura is hiding and just who Charlie actually is. After a pause, Gordon admits that Charlie does have some secrets but calmly explains that this is “complicated”, unwilling to elaborate further.

Andy decides to set out and discover the truth herself after realizing she’s not going to get any straight answers from her husband.

According to this article, Paula is currently being held at Coswell Prison for murdering influential tycoons. She was part of this ‘Army of the Changing World’ we’ve been hearing about too. According to this article, the group was formed in the mid 1980’s by a guy called Nick Harp.

Andy questions his mother’s lies, believing that Laura had no intention of leaving with her daughter. Despite agreeing to meet her, Laura is stopped on the road by two cars, which surround the car and stop her.

Andy doesn’t try to meet Laura though, instead heading off to a law firm to try and find a way to talk to Geraldine Ross, the lawyer in charge of the Paula Kunde case.

The receptionist is trying to get a message to the manager, but no one is answering their phones. She slips up the stairs undetected and heads into the bathroom. She finds one of the women, Sheila Scott, and steals her wallet.

Andy breaks into the law firm as Sheila, and Jack follows her. ..

The Episode Review

The Army of the Changing World is a secret organization that has been working behind the scenes to affect change in the world. They are after Andy and Laura, who may have information about their activities. ..

The plot is a bit shaky at times, but the pace is good and the mystery is compelling. Thee are some contrivances and plot holes that make the book difficult to read, but overall it’s an enjoyable read.

We hope that we don’t have to wait too long to find out what’s really going on here, as the series leaves things wide open.