Episode Guide

Black Shirt -| Review Score – 4/5 Gold -| Review Score – 3.5/5 Sapphire -| Review Score – 3/5 The Road To Hell -| Review Score – 3.5/5 Lock and Key -| Review Score – 4/5 ..

But that’s not to say that the show isn’t still great. In fact, it could arguably be even better than ever before. The characters are engaging and the plot is compelling, even if it does occasionally feel a little too convoluted for its own good. And while some of the new set pieces (like the reveal of Peaky Blinders’ true identity) are a bit of a let-down, overall this season has been an exciting and entertaining ride.

The finale of this season left many questions unanswered and left much to the imagination. With a movie already confirmed and plenty of loose threads leading into that, the final 81 minute chapter of this season essentially feels like an appetizer before the main course of that aforementioned movie to follow.

In the wake of the death of Polly Shelby, the Shelby family is left reeling. Tommy is taunted by Captain Swing, pointing out that their family has been dealt a terrible blow. Polly was killed, Arthur has gone off the deep end (again) and Tommy is a broken mess and close to suicide.

Tommy steps out of the mist in the final moments of Season 5 with a gun to his head. Season 6 begins right here, with fascists entering the fray and Oswald still on the prowl. Tommy gathers what resources he has left to try and hit back, but it’s easier said than done as the family wrestle with another tragedy in their midst. ..

Michael blames Tommy for his mother’s death and sets out to gain revenge, dead set on taking out Thomas once and for all. ..

Season 6 of “Stranger Things” has been more trippy and surreal than any of the previous ones, but it has also lost focus on the external conflict to focus on Tommy’s inner demons. This is something the show has portrayed since all the way back in season 1, but here it feels a little unfocused. ..

The writing in this movie feels like it’s stuck in a rut and there’s no sign of improvement on the horizon. The introduction of new characters is a nice touch, but it doesn’t do much to help the story. Jack Nelson is introduced but never really gets a chance to shine, while the new character introduced with ties to Tommy is given a get out of jail free card for writer’s block.

While the individual episodes are good to watch, examining this as a collective whole is where the cracks can really be seen. Characters like Arthur fall back into old habits with yet another addiction subplot, while Ada is given some cracking lines of dialogue… but not much else. With the benefit of hindsight, it’s easy to see where the shortcomings are this year. ..

The Peaky Blinders season 6 finale was a bit of a letdown for fans of the show. While it was well-done, it didn’t compare to other releases this year. The Shelby family didn’t do enough to make up for the weak episode.

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